How To Configure The Azure Sql Context Provider Xmpro Data Stream Designer

Learn how to configure the Azure SQL Context Provider in the XMPRO Data Stream Designer.

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Learn how to configure the Azure SQL Context Provider in the XMPRO Data Stream Designer.

Need help with creating your XMPRO data streams? Send an email to

Go to https://xmpro.... but we are going to do here is look at

how to set up and configure there is

equal context provider go to the toolbox

and search for a sequel

you will find it on the context

providers click on the agent and drag it

to the canvas click on save double click

on your agent this is where you will be

configuring your agent first make sure

you're using the correct election if not

select another collection from the

drop-down next add a value for your

polling interval which is the right at

which new records are accessed or

checked for then add the server IP or

DNS name of here's your sequel database

click someone else on the phone add your

user name

add your password

at the data base you want to connecting

choose the table you want to receive

context from if you'd like any certain

columns to be retained click on the

columns to return field and select the

columns from the list if you do not

select any columns all columns will be

returned next if you'd like to limit the

amount of rows returned fill in the

number in the text box if you do not

fall in anything or qualified words will

be returned next if you would like to

apply filters click on the plus button

you will be given the choice to add

either condition or group the default

group has already been added for you if

you'd like to add a condition click on

add condition then select the field upon

which the filter needs to be applied

choose your expression and enter a value

if you'd like to sort the data returned

click on plus select the column by which

that better will be sorted select how

the data should be sure sorted either

ascending or descending

click outside of the table click apply

click side

Last updated