How To Configure The OSIsoft PI Listener - XMPRO Data Stream Designer

Learn how to configure the OSIsoft PI Listener in the XMPRO Data Stream Designer.

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well we are going to do here is look at

how to set up and configure the oSIsoft

by listener agent the function of this

agent is to read data from OSI soft PI

systems what I'm going to do now is go

to the tool box and search for this

agent you will find it under the

listeners you can add the agent to your

data stream by clicking on it and

dragging into the canvas note that the

default name will be given to it

you can rename this agent by clicking on

the white space and start typing

click some mouse on the canvas and click

Save to configure this isin click on it

and click on configure

first make sure you using the correct

collection if you'd like to change this

just select another one from the drop

down then you need to set your polling

interval which is the rate at which new

records are accessed then add your Web

API URL add your user name add your

password in the configuration section

select the server then select the

database you'd like to get the data from

select the template you'd like to use

then select the elements you'd like to


select the attributes you'd like to have


then select your return type either

return all or just return the latest I'm

going to return all if you'd like to

include summaries just select the


it's like the attributes you'd like

summaries off

then select your summary types

then select the duration of your summary

I'm going to leave it as die and set it

to 15 days if you'd like to use an

interval summary select the checkbox

and specify the direction for example 7

click apply and click Save to run this

stream click on publish to view the live

data click on live view select your

agent and click Save and give it a

second you will see that that I start

coming through to expand this page click

on maximize

Last updated

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