Solution Development Process For Event Intelligence Apps Xmpro

In this video, we outline the exact steps you need to take to create your first Event Intelligence Application with the XMPRO App Designer.

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In this video, we outline the exact steps you need to take to create your first Event Intelligence Application with the XMPRO App Designer.

Need help with creating your XMPRO apps? Send an... hi today what I'm going to take you

through is the Excel CRO solution

development process how do you approach

and create your first event intelligence

application what steps do you go through

and why do you go through those

particular steps from our perspective

and how we address the particular

solution that you're trying to put

together is what problem are we solving

with this particular application so

what's the key problem that we're

looking to to address with this and that

will lead us into the following steps

that we will be going through step one

designing real time data streams using

real time data sources what we mean by

this is where's my information coming

from for me to solve a particular

problem I need information where's my

life feed coming from are we getting it

from a historian are we getting it from

a live feed or a MQTT as an example the

second is what type of analytics or

calculations are we going to do on this

data to help us identify some of the

exceptions and the errors in it that

we're looking for and then the third

we're still within the data stream

here's what I put formatting and what

type of action do we want to drive so

once we've identified some data that

matches the particular event that we're

looking for what action do we want to

drive or with that first step is data

streams using real time data sources

step two this is where we go into

creating some event rules some

recommendations and again here is what

is the rule logic for for this gonna

look like what type of thresholds do we

want to set how many rules do we want to

actually put into that the second is do

we want offer some work instructions so

if a recommendation is triggered

how does someone actually go about

resolving or reacting or responding to

their recommendation and in third is

what other resources can we provide

a link to a schematic heading to an

engineering test procedure or maybe a

video etc the third step is this is

where we create the event boards and the

apps themselves so here's where we lay

out the actual event board decide which

piece of information we want where but

again which one answer a particular

question by displaying this information

onto the screen what does it mean and

what are we actually showing easy access

to some recommendations how do I filter

recommendations I don't want see

everything I just want to see what is

particular to this event board that I'm

creating and lastly you can also create

some self validating kpi's in your event

board if you actually need to so this is

the the whole process step 1 step 2 and

step 3 so step 1 touching on data

streams is real-time data sources step 2

event rules and recommendations and then

step 3 creating event boards and

ultimately the apps as well there is

still change management and project and

IT management governance etc that flows

through through all three of these as

well so those are not forgotten so what

does this actually look like in practice

the particular problem is I'm looking

for a temperature condition on my pump

so we're monitoring for a temperature

condition on my pump so the first thing

is data sources real-time data sources

through a data stream so where do we

actually do that so we do that in the

data stream designer and we've got an

example that will come up on the screen

here what does that actually look like

so again step one where's my data coming

from how do I get context rank all the

data create some analytics particularly

the calculations on it if I need to

format it and then ultimately drive a

particular action so in this example

that we've got here as we're reading

real-time data in from mqtt and creating

context with zero sequel within

performing some calculation and

analytics in the middle and ultimately

on the far right this is where we are

outputting and integrating to output

systems in some subsequent videos will

actually go

through and create this particular

example I'm just giving a holistic view

here of the steps you need to go through

for this particular process so step one

is done in the data stream designer and

this is where we create our data streams

using real time data sources to make

this information available to

recommendations and to make it available

to the app designer as well step 2 this

is where we start creating some of the

event rules and recommendations and we

do this in the app designer so again if

we just pull up a particular example

here we've created a recommendation for

pump temperature and we just created one

rule for that as well so what rules and

thresholds do we want to actually

configure what recommended actions where

do we do that

and how do we actually provide

additional resources videos engineering

test procedures etc again step one is to

create a data stream step two is to

create the event rules and

recommendations step one is done in the

data stream designer step two is done in

the application designer and that moves

us on to step three step three as we

were creating event boards and the

application this is also done in the

application designer and if I pull an

example of what does that actually look

like here there is a full interface

that'll walk you through how do you

actually create your particular event

port again what's the simplest way to

display there's various layouts various

controls for you to actually use to

configure that how do you limit and

filter recommendations in this instance

this is on a particular pump we don't

want recommendations for my entire

assembly plant my entire production line

my entire facility so you can actually

filter that information out from here as

well but also if you want to how do you

continuously monitor health and

processing kpi's as well from an event

board perspective if I come back to to

where we started what problem are we

solving that is the thought process at

the behind every single step one two and

three as we going through it so step one

designing data stream

using real-time data sources step two we

creating event rules and recommendations

and then step three is where we touch

event boards and ultimately the the

applications step one is done in the

data stream designer step two is done in

the application designer and the same

with step three right at the end to

create your event boards thank you for

attending and now watching this video

today as I said we've just touched on

what is the step one two and three from

our perspective on how to approach

creating these in subsequent videos

we'll go into a lot more detail into

step one two and three

Last updated