once you have finalized in applications
design you can publish it for all the
users to view and use you can also
control which users are permitted to
view the published app in the last video
we'll discuss design access letting up
the users view and edit the design of
your app and launch it at any time this
video is about run access which allows
users to see and launch the app only
when you have published it to grant
another user run access to your app
navigate to the apps edit blade click
the manage access command and select the
run access tab this will display a
hierarchy of users in your company
organized into sections for roles yours
will likely be more complex than this
click a role to grant or revoke access
to all users in that role or on a user
to grant or revoke their access
individually you can search to narrow
down longer lists when you are done
click Save note that even though I
forgot to grant myself access I will
still be able to view the published app
because I have designed access as the
owner all users with read/write or owner
design access will be able to view the
published app regardless of if they have
been given run access or not to publish
the app click the publish button on the
app edit blade this will finalize the
app and make it visible and available
for all users with run access it will
also forbid any changes that will alter
the way the application is viewed for
example design access to pages and any
data connections will be prevented for
being saved however the name and
description properties as well as notes
will be unaffected if you want to
restore the ability to make changes
click the unpublished command that has
replaced the published command this will
remove the ability for users with run
access to view the app but will again
allow changes to be made to the design
this has been how to publish and share
an app for viewing in app designer thank
you for watching