The Value of a Composable Digital Twin - XMPro Webinar
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In this webinar on Digital Twins, we'll cover:
What is a Composable Digital Twin
The Value of a Composable Digital Twin
The XMPro Digital Twin Composition Platform
XMPRO’s Event Intelligence Platform enables subject matter experts to easily create real-time applications that provide situational awareness, are always on, and prescribe and orchestrate appropriate actions.
Visit to learn how you can get more insights from your real-time data with XMPRO.
good morning good afternoon or good
wherever you are joining us from and
welcome to this webinar on the value of
a composable digital twin
i'm peter von sculpek and i've been
around this space for a while
i am the ceo of xm pro and probably the
technology enthusiast in the
i'm also the chair for the natural
resources working group
in the digital twin consortium and prior
to that
i was the chair for the digital twin
interoperability task group in the
industrial internet consortium
now you'll probably agree with me that
will certainly go down in history as one
of the most
disruptive uncertain and transformative
years for
both organizations and people in those
organizations worldwide
was one of my one of my learned friends
explained it to me said overnight it
exposed the systemic fragility in the
operating capabilities of enterprises
and organizations that's quite a
but it really just means there were a
lot of challenges a lot of confusion
and many many organizations and people
struggle to deal with
the impact of what we saw in 2020
i think you'll also agree with me that
we've seen unprecedented acceleration of
technology adoption and we've also seen
a lot of behavioural transformation
again within
organizations and businesses but also in
in those organizations and businesses
throughout this pandemic
we've seen five years of digital
transformation happen
in less than five months and that's
according to a number of industry
the future reality is that the rate of
change will probably only increase
professor peter frisk who consults to
large organizations as well as
governments and he specializes in what
is called innovative
business futures says that we will
probably see
more change the next 10 years than what
we've seen in the last 250.
now that is really exciting but it's
also really scary
what is even more sobering is the fact
that the future change
that peter frisk was talking about is
actually here right now
so right now we see long-term planning
visions from
organizations like gartner extend to six
to eight years which is really just
around the corner in business
and it should already be on your
strategic planning horizon
everything else is shorter term as you
can see here and these are
significant emerging technologies that
will that will change how we work
the impact of everything else that that
is on here is already here
and it should already be in your
short-term plans
the challenge that many organizations
face is that the traditional business
models were designed when computerized
business was still in its infancy it was
seen as a department that supplied the
computers the servers the
the the the it nerds that help you when
you got stuck on your
on your notebook or or um
on if the printer didn't work and
the the reality is that
even though it improved business
it was never the platform for business
and business users uh were
were and are frustrated with digital
transformation plans
that are using that are more about
digitizing so getting things into
digital format and getting it onto ipads
and tablets and mobiles
so just digitizing rather than changing
business models
to be able to to and use it to drive and
be the platform
for this transformational change
what we also see is that um
the it's not just internal but
externally there's a lot of pressure on
on organizations
and uh we have less time to respond
companies don't last that long anymore
and the risk of a rigid
inflexible business is really that you
will be extinct lifespan have gone from
75 years in 1950
to just 15 years in 2020
and the other sobering statistic is that
52 percent
of um fortune 500 companies
um in that were in in the
in 2000 are not around in 2020
so if you think about how blockbuster
netflixed uh that is what happened to a
what's happening to a lot of
organizations and uh
what i'm thinking um about quite often
is what will the average lifespan be
in 2040 now
we also come from a kind of past three
decades where everything was dominated
by large-scale monolithic
technology platforms such as erps
and crms and it was all about stability
driving process efficiency optimization
and again it was mostly focused around
improving efficiencies
in processes the problem going forward
or the challenge going forward is that
these systems are typically very rigid
and don't support the pace of change
that we see
it may have worked for the change in the
last 250 years but it certainly
doesn't support the agility innovation
and experimentation that is needed
uh going into the future uh this is a
from gartner on on on on
the the um enterprise architecture
models that are needed for the future
according to them developing a software
engineering strategy that is fit for
for the future is a huge struggle as
business landscapes are constantly
shifting and user demands
are increasing exponentially application
should demand adherence to composable
enterprise architecture
in their business applications now this
is just one quote
from from gartner organization we see
that in best of class businesses doing
this what you'll find
is or you may find yourself in knee-deep
in these challenges as i mentioned
before and typically we
we see two two approaches to to
to addressing this the one is how do we
fix the problem how how do i become the
the fixer and this is where uh
the digital transformation and digital
can support going through a approach
as was mentioned on the on the previous
slide of composable applications it
gives us the ability to
to fix and change as we go but we also
have the fissures so we have the fixers
and the fishes the fishes are
are really where business can exploit
these opportunities that are this how do
we fish while this is happening while
we're fixing on the
on the other end because this will be a
continuous way
of of of things happening going forward
in actual fact we've seen massive floods
in australia where i'm doing this from
um at the moment
uh over the last couple of weeks where
a year ago it was it was massive fires
we then had
all bushfires we then had um covered and
now we've got
flood so so um the environment is
definitely a lot more fluid things
happen quickly and how do we fish while
that has happened how do we make our
business agile
managing this or doing this actually
requires three key business changes and
the first one
is um that there's a certain
that that you need to be able to use a
modular approach for applications that
can be composed or recomposed on demand
so you need to have that ability to
respond quickly
the next part is that business and
should be closer aligned and it should
be focused on how do we enable business
experts those that can fish
to support them to be able to do it
quicker and faster
and in the past the the systems that we
was not really designed for this it was
enabling business users uh from us
to to make themselves sufficient um it's
the the third part is around uh
solutions um reduce the capability for
decision making to make the best
decisions quickly
and being contextualized and informed
and that's really what what the business
users need in order to drive um
or to be able to adapt at the pace that
we that we see
and for that the best way of approaching
this is to create a composable reusable
approach which gartner refers to as
intelligent composable business
applications different analysts call
them different names essentially the
the same background or the same thing so
before we look at composable digital
twins let's have a quick look at what a
composable business application is
i'm using the gartner example here but
they are
this is actually based on or it has its
roots in
in sower and microservices and it's it's
being adopted by best in class
organizations in different
ways it is also
it starts with using traditional legacy
and business applications as we know
creating a data fabric that sits at the
bottom to support this but then building
packaged business capabilities pbcs
package business capabilities around
certain areas how do we compose how do
we put some of these capabilities
at this level and then have a
composition platform where we can string
some of these together compose with them
and those platforms typically handle the
integration composition
orchestration development as well as the
front end for it
so that users can create these specific
composed applications you can think of
using a the capabilities that's within
the erp or crm for many organizations
they only used a good 20 another 30
percent might be
used a lot less frequently and
50 of the functionality actually never
gets used
the objective with package business
applications is to to or
business capabilities is to actually
the key capabilities that you need and
be able to compose
highly relevant and reusable
and agile applications very quickly
an example of this before we get into
twins i thought i'd just share an
example of
analytics package business
capability and in this instance you'll
we take um capabilities like reporting
and package that as well as
uh uh um self-service analytics
predictive modeling
and all of these are what is what
what are what is referred to as the
capabilities that are then packaged
together and what makes a package
business capability
in terms of characteristic it and it's
it's not about the technology but it's
about the
the capability so it's not looking at
what is what is
the underlying technology behind this
but what is the business capability that
i need in order to address a specific
business challenge
so these package business applications
are almost encapsulated software
components that
that describe a well-defined business
capability and it can be recognized by a
business user so something like a
leak detection model from a prediction
point of view that is a classic
package business capability
package business capability are
typically modular so
they consist in a modular fashion and
you can
they're also autonomous so typically
and they would stand on their own and
i'll show you some examples
at the end of the presentation of how
or what some of these look like also
so you can compose them and put them in
different sequences to address a
specific so you can assemble the process
flows or the or the
or the transactions through these apis
so that they are they are basically
packaged for composition
and then they are easily discoverable so
someone who's a business user again
very easily recognize that capability
without necessarily understanding all
the underlying technology that sits with
now this doesn't only apply to analytics
it also
applies to other areas in the business
and kind of this example
just shows where we can start with an
application like a patient
oh sorry application public package
business capability where we have
patient patient records and everything
that's said around that we may then have
a digital twin component which might be
an infection detector
the analytics component would handle
infection rate
predictions and then also on the data
side we might be building a data
repository of
some information that we want to do in
terms of infection
incidents or whatever the case might be
so this just shows you
how these work together it's not a
single type we actually compose an
application by using some application
digital twin
analytics and um other data
or or other package business
applications together
it's a it's kind of like
the lego bricks that kids use to build
or create
their own compositions which is only
limited by the imagination
the range of modular bricks enable the
kids to
for example create motion experience by
just packaging the wheels and it's
probably already got the battery and the
motor and everything packaged in this i
can clip this in
within a matter of seconds to create
that capability of
motion in this application that i have
um the other benefit is i can i can now
build it
the way that the manufacturer describes
it on the box or i can
adapt it and change the sequence of
things so that i have my own creation in
actual fact
um they can create their own
or i can use the same box of
capabilities and build a four by four
vehicle um
in in this example instead of having the
formula one racing car
reuse many of these components and build
a completely different
use case or application using many of
the same composable i may need a few
extra blocks that are not around here
like the bull bar or some
or one of the others and i may leave out
one or two
of these but in essence i can reuse or
very quickly based on the changing
that i have when we now
and understanding what what composable
applications um uh give us
or uh and the package business
that that exist within them we can also
look at
how this now starts applying to digital
twins so
as you can see on the digital twin we
have the physical side of things as well
as the digital and as we start packaging
these capabilities like
location scheduling leak detection these
are all package business capabilities
that make it really
easy to to create
new or to make our digital twin
applications address
very specific business cases now one of
the challenges that we sit with
um when we look at digital twins is
is that there's even more complexity
than what we see with
traditional erp or crm uh challenges the
other the good news though is that it
also naturally lends itself to
and i i honestly believe that it's the
only way to build scalable digital twins
is to make them composable
otherwise you will remain stuck with a
few discrete
twins in pilot projects so you may end
up with a few
um sample ones in pilot projects or the
the dreaded pilot purgatory where um
this actually never move beyond that
stage because it's not composable i
can't take the spot plug it into
a assembly so going from a gearbox into
a ball mill on a mining plant
and then taking that mining plant
actually making part of the
the overall
processing plant for the for for the
mine or a factory or
or a a a power plant or whatever the
for this so the challenge with digital
twins is it is
it it requires this a capability of
of being able to be composed so going
from a single node
a single entity into a assembly and that
assembly actually then getting into a
of of uh assembled components again
it lends itself naturally but also if
you don't have the if you don't keep
this composable approach in mind
you will probably get stuck by not
moving beyond this capability
over here and the reality that we also
is that um and again looking at
some of the stats coming out of analysts
is that
for larger organizations we'll probably
see them managing a thousand digital
twin templates
and a million digital twin instances by
2025 and this is pretty recent research
as well so
again the scale at which this needs to
be done the only way that you
couldn't do this there's no other way to
manage scalability
and quick time to value if you don't
have a composable
architecture so it is not just about the
single entity but it's about the whole
ecosystem the whole environment and how
it all fits together and this all needs
to be composable as this
use case may change this environment
around it will need that same
flexibility and ability
to change now
this is all well and great but we need
to be able to explain what the value of
all of this is
in monetary terms so when we go to
stakeholders and budget holders and get
money for these projects
we need to be able to explain the value
of these and the simplest way that i
found is using the world economic
total value at stake model and in that
kind of two dimensions which is what is
um for the industry or the your specific
and what is the other one what is the
value for the largest society
or society at large and the first one
is really around value migration so
being able to
create new business models do that
digital transformation and get new
revenue from new digital services that
we didn't have in the past
and also creating marketplaces for these
composed capabilities and how do we
market and sell those
to be able to make it easier for others
then there's the traditional approach
from a
what value do we add by just increasing
what we're already doing so how do we
how do we
exploit and move faster around current
short-term opportunities
but also how do we eliminate costs so
how do we make our plans
how do we improve the reliability
availability and all of those metrics
that we do right now but how can we do
it quicker
faster and and respond to the changes
uh much quicker then from a
valued stake for society point of view
the impact of this
the the savings that come with it but
also you know what is the impact of
being able to make better decisions
faster and that whole agility around
decision support with
com with a composable digital to an
now as i mentioned at the start the
focus is really how can we get business
experts to be able to fish how do we get
how do we train or bring new skills to
subject matter eggs to experts to be
able to compose these digital twins
themselves what is the value in
being able to do that and then obviously
the the broader impact is making sure
that we have safer work environments
especially in the asset intensive
industries where we operate
and then lastly in terms of the impact
on the environment reducing emissions
all the sustainability metrics that we
can do and respond again
pretty quick on that a lot of
organizations are putting out
20 30 goals in terms of their
sustainability goals
it's not that far away so you really
need to make sure
that you have that you have that ability
to compose
green elements into the current digital
and and package that capability and and
make it scalable
the the other benefit of a um composable
digital twin approach is that you can
basically build
the twins from the bottom up and you can
see immediate returns we often see that
companies start with these large-scale
projects that want to
address these really big large complex
problems now quite often
the result of that is that the project
team has moved on three years later
there's been no returns a composable
actually help you to start it's a fast
affordable and easy to wait
easy to use way to start building up
from the bottom up
and actually get quick returns which
fund the larger projects so for example
in a
mid-sized organization if you've got 25
engineers and each of them
build 20 composed digital twins or
applications and each of those have an
of of two million dollars you very
quickly get to an
overall impact of one billion dollars
which is
very possible and we've seen that with
our customers in terms of being able to
deliver that
then once you've got that better done
you've got the skills and you've
you've built enough packaged business
in all these individual ones and reuse
them to start expanding
to more complex and advanced ones
um where we can now address some of
these bigger challenges in the
organization so first do the easy ones
before we get to some of the big bets
it's one of the really big benefits of
using a composable
architecture so how does this all apply
to digital twins
now from a
a model approach it's nothing other than
apis and integration as we know it but
what's fundamentally different is how
this is packaged together in terms of
of of standalone units that can then be
composed and the key aspect here is that
there's a composition environment that
allows me to to be able to put all of
this together so i can
compose my twins in an environment and
they are done in such a way the wrappers
around the apis are done in such a way
that it makes it a lot easier
to compose and almost visually program
one of the the the
things that we see with digital twins
and it's also covered in the ultimate
guide to digital twins um that's on our
um is kind of the data models and the
data sources that we see
in digital twins are pretty well
understood and defined so
um and these are the six characteristics
i'm not going to go through all of them
right now you can you can have a look
um on our website um and get access to
the ultimate guide to digital twins
where we go into
more detail on this but from a digital
twin perspective these are the key data
areas or data sources now what we want
to do with that is actually put it
into a framework similar to what
what we saw earlier around the
composable business applications but
make it very specific to composable
digital twins
and then use this the data fabric that
sits at the bottom
use this as a key element of that
and provide these services so we can
compose and package some of these things
still using our legacy ot and
engineering applications
and also the business and it
applications plug into them
bring it in either at the platform level
or at the data fabric level
but really creating these these
um packaged business capabilities that
address very specific elements
in it and through that we can compose
applications like
for example intelligent building energy
optimization or
blast furnace casting guidance or first
yield in a in a production manufacturing
environment or
tailings and environmental monitoring in
mining and some of the other extractive
industries so these were the these are
the composed
applications they're kind of micro apps
in the business it
addresses a very specific business
challenge and i can very quickly change
these and make them adaptable
to changing environments
to by by just reusing the capabilities
that are packaged
in here and the way that we do that in
example is
on the one hand with our data stream so
at the integration level
and being able to bring in to integrate
compose and orchestrate is a key element
of of this
and having package business capabilities
here and and and being able to drag it
and on the other hand being able to
create the ux and
an environment in a similar way where
we've packaged capabilities that sit
around this
to be able to do just that again taking
these package business capabilities
um and and integrated there now some of
the examples and we'll run you through
this in a practical example um
on us on our software just to
demonstrate that but
some of our package business
capabilities as you can see here
there's quite a range of them where i
don't have to understand how to
i don't have to rewrite the code to
to be able to connect or for example an
azure smart contract i don't know i can
literally drag that capability onto the
and put it and wire it up with the rest
of my
and compose and integrate and
orchestrate rather than write all the
code that sits behind that so
being able to compose and reuse
capabilities like that
makes it very powerful and very quick to
when we need to make changes to our
then on the ux side very similar so if i
want something in unity i can just drag
the unity component on and just wire it
to the data
and the model so that i can reuse this
or being able to compose very quickly
using this package business capability
before we go into the software and i
show you some examples
i just also like to put out a word of
caution in terms of
package business capabilities
be careful that it's not like the
the wall socket and plug situation that
we see
across the world where it may work in
your own environment but doesn't work
anywhere else you need to be able to
make sure that these things can also
across different systems so
it doesn't help that it only works in
one area so when you look at a package
business capability it needs to be
extensible across
in different applications the way that
we do that
um and again i honestly believe this is
the only way to respond
um and scale to the
to the more complex challenges um
is with a composable digital to an
approach and
the first step is to do the inter is at
the integration
uh layer where we have package
capabilities so be able to compose data
streams using these package capabilities
and then integrate
data sources to that the second step is
to be able to compose the overall
applications from these
to provide a real-time view and then
lastly how to
also compose and reuse recommendations
that trigger when certain critical
happen you don't want to recreate all
the prescriptive
support in the business you actually
want to be able to compose certain
certain capabilities around that or
package some capabilities around that
and then compose it when you
need it so with that let me show you an
example of how this works
so i will move on to
and i'll just maximize this so i'll
start with
the data stream area as we mentioned
this is
the first part of the
of the process in step one it's where we
data into the system and i will just use
very quick simple example this is not a
full demonstration of our solution or
software if you do want there is a link
on our website you can see a full
demonstration of all the capabilities of
the software i'm just going to touch on
some of the key elements and show you
how some of those capabilities are
packaged i'm just going to use an
of a pump condition monitoring solution
that runs on something like azure
digital twin
and we have these different capabilities
that we've packaged so we call them
agents but they are they have different
functions that they
that they that they perform or so they
have certain capabilities they could
either be listeners so they listen for
real-time data
which is something like the telemetry
they could provide context so a
capability they could transform data
it could provide a machine learning
and i'll drill down into into this a
little bit more
it could be things like functions like
fast fouriers or or things like that
which again is a package capability
and then run recommendations and
different actions so these are all
package capabilities and we'll drill
down on them a little bit more but
just to quickly explain the process that
we have here we're taking pump telemetry
data do some calculations for that push
it into
azure digital twin and also getting make
and model in context
combining that with the telemetry data
and running some engineering
recommendation rules that sit behind it
very simple example
but there are a number of package
capabilities in here that i can reuse so
one of them
for example is the pump telemetry so
this brings in real-time data from a
data source now i don't have to
understand how to code
mqtt or anything like that i can just
literally hook it up
to what the endpoint is where it sends
the data and it will then expose
the fields that it's got and i can reuse
or i can use these two so and again in
this one
this is the data that comes from
the pump telemetry i can either use all
of them or i can remove
just the ones that i that i want or need
now the way that i get that on
is i can literally drag the mqtt
package business capability onto the
canvas again i don't have to know how to
code this
i can just drag it on and use it
likewise with the um
and i'll just go to this one azure
digital twin
the capability here is around
um being able to interrogate
the the the or automatically publish to
azure digital twin but as you'll see we
don't only do azure digital twin here
we also push the real-time telemetry
time series insight so i can get some
time series
data if i want to again i don't have to
be able to code any of this i don't have
to understand how to do this in actual
fact being able to create new resources
on azure if you're not a
qualified azure engineer cloud engineer
this is not a
easy task we've made it much simpler by
being able to
create new resource instances for anyone
that's tried this you'll understand
exactly the value of having this package
business capability where i don't
i don't have to be a subject matter
expert also
a cloud deployment engineer i could be a
subject matter expert like a reliability
engineer process engineer a
geologist or someone like that who just
wants to set up a twin
in this service again this is a package
business capability i can drag it on i
can build
digital twins for for different
solutions it could be a pump assembly it
could be turbines it could be
buildings it could be anything so i
could upload new models here i don't
have to understand how to create
or um or write code for azure digital
twin i can
literally just reuse this
package business capability in order to
do that
and then things like azure digital too
time series insights if i want to push
the data into that
i can i can do that as well and one of
the benefits of
doing this approach is we can discover
for example the data that comes from
this package business capability
remember that
challenge with the different wall
sockets where i have different systems
that speak different
inputs and outputs what i can do with
this is
you know on this yellow arrow that i've
map that i've that i have here
it actually shows me the payload that
comes in the arrow so these are the
options that i have that comes in via
the arrow
and this is the service that i
interrogated on the other side so i
looked at what the wall plug needs
and this is that multi-plug capability
that now
make it easy to take this format into
this format
and the two can talk to each other very
powerful capability especially when it
comes to package business capability so
each of these can stand on its own
and again it might be something like i
want to bring in a
python environment so i can drag on a
script and wire it into the process and
i'm not going to do that right now
but i can wire this in and
and do something now this means i'm
handling a specific
error capability that comes out of
this and i can reuse this capability
easily so this is on the on the data
stream and integration side again this
is not a full presentation
but it gives you an overview what i
briefly want to touch on
and i'm just mindful of time is our
capabilities around
the composition environment so for that
digital twin that we just saw so if i
for example go to uh
this view over here so this is a front
i can compose and set up
my my environment here and i'll show you
all this this application again in a
very similar way
in this instance i'm bringing in data
from unity
i've got this unity view of a pump the
real-time data coming out of azure
digital twin
i've got some information coming out of
my erp now all of these are drag and
drop components
um from a composability point of view so
in this instance i might be doing
predictive maintenance on
or it might be way or it might be it
doesn't really matter what the use case
is i can very quickly adapt and change
based on a business problem that i may
and reconfigure this in order to be able
to do that now the way that i do that
again this is this capability around
and what you'll see so as the
subject matter expert i can't change
this one
because it's running and i'll get in
trouble if i screw it up but
i can drag on certain capabilities you
know it might be something
like um power bi
i think there's a there's a power bi or
it might be
esri maps or anything like that so again
package capabilities
that i that i just drag on and there's a
it could be bentley autodesk um a broad
range of these
of these package capability in addition
simpler ones like what might be unity or
unreal engine
or it might just be a grid or a circular
gauge or something like that
it could be widgets so you can compose
and put together so i could take this
section over here so this section or let
me just
let's say i like this whole section and
i want to save that i won't be able to
do it yet because
this is a live running one but i could
save this share it with myself or others
and now i've published this capability
of package this
look and feel and i can share it with
myself i can use it for myself or
share it with others again very powerful
capability from a
from a composable digital twin
aspect in order to create these
composable uxes
that are that are that are built and
with the data integration and everything
that's it's
behind it likewise with um
and i'll just use this example again uh
i'll go back to that pump
and likewise with something like the
recommendations i may have a form
with certain information that i fill in
work order numbers create
instructions or i could reuse this for
everything that is similar
but this is the real-time data that
triggered and put the
red dot onto that screen how i resolve
i could have trios instructions i could
have discussions around this
i could have a timeline view on who did
what when
and as well as some analytics on this
and i'm not sure what we have for this
as you can see we had a whole bunch of
recommendation rules that triggered and
for all of this there's a whole section
in the presentation
or the demonstration video on
recommendations a really powerful
capability inside xm pro it is a
package business capability which is
generically used as
recommendations but it's really really
powerful in terms of closing the loop
digital twins are there to address a
challenge you're hiring a twin to do a
certain job
and you want to make sure that you're
able to close the loop
provide tell someone when something's
and do the notification and everything
that sits behind that but also then
provide recommended actions instructions
forms that needs to be filled in and
all of this needs to be is is built in
such a way that it's easily
composable as well as reusable
so with that um hopefully that gives you
an overview of
what a a a composable digital twin is
and i will go to some questions
and see if there are any questions
around this
so let me just have a quick look here
so how granular should the capability be
in order to be effectively
packaged into a business capability
i think that's a great question so it
needs to be
according to that definition that i gave
uh i gave earlier it needs to be
um it needs to be able to stand on its
own so i need to be able to package and
if i just use an example here i need to
be able to
package a capability where for example a
fast fourier
i want to have that whole capability so
in terms of granularity
um it needs to be able to stand on its
own and it might also be something like
this azure digital twin where it can do
two things for me so it really depends
on on the on the use case that you
that you have what i wouldn't do is make
it so granular that it needs two or
together to actually make it work so
what is the
what is the lowest level or the
the smallest module that i can get to
that would still be self-sustainable so
when i drag a fast fourier on
that i just need to pass it the
parameters and it will give me an answer
and the rest of the flow can continue so
that's typically how we would
look at um composable uh or the
the pbc the package business capability
something like leak detection
or um remaining useful life
or something like that it needs to have
the net the smallest number of
components that will actually address
the capability and provide the full
um for that for that for that specific
function that we are looking at it
doesn't have to address so pump con mon
this whole condition monitoring
that is kind of i wouldn't package this
as a as a or i have a whole package
business capability or
might be that in your use case that
would work that you have
this as the package business capability
but quite often we
we see that there are some nuances some
and if you make it too big it needs a
lot of customization
where with something where where um it
contained like this it just makes it
really easy
to be able to drag it on and address my
specific challenge
uh there's one more question
i appreciate the application of
gartner's high level thinking into the
real world
um that being said much of the
presentation seems to reflect
um sort of the more forms based approach
asset intensive industries will also
require that digital twin support field
user experiences
what i forgot to mention is all of this
what you see on the front end
if i just go back
to what you see over here all of this is
on mobile devices so it is it is there
so you can take it into the field
um and it automatically so as you can
see when we design this you actually
and again from a pack from a business
capability we need to make sure that
these things run in different
environments so it is designed so that
the field service organization can use
it but the rest of the question
is that they will require xr
applications so that's ar
vr on all of that absolutely so the same
way that we are doing
things like unity and the others
expanding the business capability on a
continuous basis we have a team that
just look at this
is how do we how do we create
more um whether i just want to see the
ar and vr on my
on my mobile device or is it something
that i want to put a headset like a
hololens or which right now
it's not that industrial but you know
there's a lot of development happening
in that and
again in the next 10 years if we look
10 years from now we will we will see
very different technologies
and yes a package business capability
around arvr
is a critical aspect of that so for us
and there are standards emerging around
that so we will
for us the focus is to make sure that we
continue the composability across the
a continuum of of user experiences that
are out there
great question thank you very much also
appreciate everyone's time on this
if anyone's got more questions if you
have a question around this please feel
free to
reach out to me i'm happy to address any
on this again have a look at the
demonstrations on our website
and look forward to seeing you on a
continuation of this topic
in future webinars thank you very much
appreciate your time