Data Wrangling: Row Transpose - XMPRO Data Stream Designer
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Learn how to transpose a dataset in the XMPRO Data Stream Designer to convert rows into columns or vice versa.
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good and welcome in today's video we're
gonna go through over the data wrangling
we're going to be focusing on raw data
transpose before we go into an example
of that what is data transpose
transposing a data set means converting
a row of data into columns or vice versa
ultimately it's focused on a particular
problem so the problem statement for
this particular data wrangling is when
I'm receiving data by row per parameter
for multiple assets so I'm getting
multiple rows of data coming in how do I
pass a single asset with multiple
parameters to a downstream agent for
example a predictive model or any EAM
integrations to further explain that
what we want to do is we want to go from
multiple rows to a single row for the
asset but with multiple parameters ie
multiple columns
so to do that let's open up an example
and walk through some of the details of
that so the first thing I've got is I've
just got a blank data stream here and
we're going to create this to see the
different results using some of the
transformation agents that we have
before we go into that this is an
example of the data that I'm going to
use this is just a normal CSV it has
just got three columns as a trigger type
and a value and using this I'm going to
create a data stream to just show you
how you can actually wrangle this into
multiple columns and group are the
particular asset themselves so the first
thing that we're going to do is we're
going to drag it on a CSV listener I'm
just going to name it properly
and we're just gonna save that we're
gonna keep this very simple and we're
just going to output it so we can
actually see what does this data look
like coming from the CSV file itself
so now we've got the basic structure of
our data stream set up and configured
what we're looking to do now is this
double-click the CSV we've got our
default collection we've got our default
interval we've only got four records in
there and the CSV reader it takes one
record every 10 seconds based on the
interval here I'm just going to change
this to 5 we can click our select file
and what you'll notice is the CSV list
or actually automatically go through the
file and it'll work out
my definition for me as well so I can
click apply here we can click Save and
if we keep publish and go to the live
view we can actually see what is the
resulting data for this look like
so as you can see every five seconds
we're going to get a record coming from
the CSV listener itself once the CSV
Lister runs out of data we're not going
to get any more records coming in for it
what we want to do is we want to
actually change this now we want to
transpose them so I would like the
pressure and the flow pressure to
actually be columns versus rows so let's
unpublished that what we're going to do
is let's just create a new version for
this and it's going to transformation if
we scroll down to the transpose we'll
just drag that in and we'll just
configure that up again make sure we've
got our name correct so we are gonna
transpose rows to columns and we're
still going to keep the resulting data
set so that we can actually see the data
coming in if we double click the
transpose agent the default is row you
can do columns as well for this video
we're just going to focus on row we want
to group by asset the static columns
ieave which columns do we want to stay
the same in the same order
we'll just keep acid in there as well
the field we want to transpose this
value if I bring you back to the value
is the field that we want to transpose
we want pressure head and flow pressure
to actually be the column names
themselves so field to transpose value
Row 2 transpose will be trigger type and
right at the bottom here what are the
values that it's expecting so pressure
head is the first one and flow pressure
is a second one what it's going to do is
it's going to try and match these two in
the data coming in and it will use that
to convert the road to a column or if
you select the alternate transpose type
it'll do the inverse of that
let's click apply we click save and
let's click publish to see what that
looks like
the first one we just had the CSV going
straight to the resulting data the
second version what we've actually done
here is we've put a transpose in the
middle and we are transposing the
multiple rows into the different columns
and having a look at some of the data
coming out the first thing that you'll
notice in the data coming out is I'm
only getting individual records coming
out what I'd actually like to do is
group them a lot closer to each other
so instead of having to pump two records
coming up I'm actually gonna get one the
same with pump one if I unpublish this
then I republish it together to start
from the beginning of the CSV file
you'll see pump 1 has got its pressure
head pump tours has got its pressure
head and these are coming in at five
second intervals so because of that five
second interval for these new records it
thinks that they are different records
and we actually need to bring them
together so what we're going to do to do
that is if we unpublished this again I'm
just going to create a new version of
this so we can come back to it later
what we going to do different here is
we're going to drag a window on we're
gonna window the data before we actually
pass it through to the transpose and we
are gonna wait for all the data to come
from the CSV before we actually
transpose it so we're just gonna call
this from now we're just going to save
that and if we double click that what
we're interested in is 20 seconds for
records coming in a 5-minute intervals
our size here is gonna be 20 seconds
that we want to actually wait for we can
leave the rest of the settings as
default and now we can save them now if
we run this and go to live view
previously we were getting a record
result coming through every 5 seconds
this time round it's actually going to
wait for 20 seconds then it's going to
pass it to the transpose agent to
convert the rows to columns and then we
will see the results coming out in the
the top right
and there we go so after 20 seconds its
buffered the data coming in it's past
that to our transpose agent and now it
can group by them properly and it can
create them into their specific columns
properly if you all remember if we come
back to the excel sheet so this is what
our input data looked like we had
pressure head for pump coming in we had
flow pressure coming in and what we
wanted to do is take that transpose it
so instead of two rows we're going to
get one row of data with multiple
parameters coming in now I can use this
further downstream and I can actually
pass the pressure head to a predictive
model or the pressure head and the flow
pressure to a predictive model is how we
configure a transpose using a data
stream in excel problem