PART 3 - How To Manage Complex Operations in Real-time Using Composable Digital Twins
In this chapter, we discuss the importance of composability when it comes to building a digital twin strategy for your business.
example itself is a digital twin
composition platform that accelerates
operational and situational awareness
and we do this in a now code fashion for
those industrial business technologists
to be able to create a common operating
picture composable digital twins that
are more complex and then real-time
event intelligence applications
and we do this
as a business capability to to help with
Cipher green and more responsible
industrial operations and doing it
faster so that there's a there are
higher efficiencies and economic return
for everyone in the ecosystem and
talking about the ecosystem
in the specifically in large complex
environments there is a ecosystem of
existing applications and the role that
XM Pro fulfills in this is is
orchestrating and providing the
composition from all of these different
systems to create that composable
digital twin that that will give you a
common operating picture so
bringing in or not it's not replacing
and ripping and replacing all any of the
systems that you have but it's more
around how do we integrate and and
orchestrate the information and
capabilities from the different systems
now this application composition
approach is not a new thing and it's
for example this is positioned or or
this is from Gartner on creating
composable applications for the type of
industries that or the type of
applications that we see in large-scale
industry and this consists of an
integrated data fabric at the bottom
coming from multiple data sources but
there's this notion of a composition
platform that handles integration
orchestration ux development and you
have packaged business capabilities that
sit within
this that you can reuse so leak
detection or credit fraud or things like
that these are all package capabilities
that you can reuse and some of them
might be application based some of it
might be process based some of them
might be might be data type package
business capabilities but that enables
you to grade
what is the what they refer to as
composed application experiences what
we've done at XM Pro we've taken this
and turn that into composable digital
twins so xampro is a composable digital
twin platform and help enables you to do
integration composition orchestration
the development side and also the ux for
a whole bunch of capabilities and in our
the typical data types or physics-based
models analytics iot transactional
systems visual data and master data that
is all combined to be able to create
these type of composed digital twins
that provide a common operating picture
for example on on that long conveyor
predictive maintenance or first pass
yield optimization or intelligent
building energy optimization and we do
that with our data stream designer and
with our application designers the two
main components to be able to compose
these digital twins in a no code way
that are also explainable
and can be deployed at scale the
approach around uh
reusing capabilities is very similar to
what you see with the building bricks
that kids might play with in this
example I can break this apart and for
example build I off-road 4x4 vehicle
reusing many of the parts I might have
to add one or two others and I might be
left with a few ones afterwards but this
ability of composing and reusing Parts
is really how the composable digital
twin enable you to create a common
operating picture at scale
the way that we do that at XM Pro is
really in three steps the first one is
to create those data streams in a visual
drag and drop way and integrate to a
larger library of integration
endpoints that we have and then the next
part is to provide the visualization of
that in real time for the operations
this is where the common operating
picture gets visualized but the probably
one of the more important parts is how
do we make sure that we can action what
comes out of that in a consistent Manner
and that's where the XM prior
recommendation engine comes in
this is a quick overview of exam Pro and
how we deliver a common operating
picture using a composable digital twin
framework to enable you to run your
business in real time making better
decisions faster
Last updated