How To Create App Data Connections - XMPRO App Designer

Learn how to connect your XMPRO apps to different data sources by creating App Data Connections.

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welcome to another training video from

axon pro today we will be looking at how

to create an app data connection at the

prereqs if you should have already gone

through the video on how to create an

app if you haven't then I highly

recommend that you go through that first

now assuming that you have already

created an app and it's blank the first

thing you need to do is decide what this

app means for your user and what this

happens to do is it going to display

some static information like work

instructions or perhaps it is going to

load data from a database and display it

in a grid or furthermore maybe it is

going to get live data off your assets

like let's say a conveyor belt and

display variable speed or the

temperature inside bearing of a pump so

based on those requirements you will

take next step and you will notice that

any person of the times you would need

to get data from a third party system

from outside now how do you achieve that

well in the app designer inside this

screen you will see there is a button

for app data you can click on that and

that will show you the list of

connections that you already got but

since this is a blank app you you can

see that there is no connection yet so

I'll click on the Add button

and I'll be presented by a list of

connectors that I have available and

that I can use to connect to third-party

systems now what is the connector is a

topic for another video um but for now

we can just assume that connectors would

have already been created by the admin

or the IT

um let's say my requirements are that I

want to display data from from a sequel

table so I'll go ahead and choose

seafood connector and once I choose it

I'm presented with a list of

configuration options that that

connector is asking me for so I'll start

by the name this is a friendly name

which which will just help help us

identify this connection so I'll say for

example Friendster next time I'm going

to configure this connector and it is

asking me for a server name I can use

one of the ones that I got and I want to

use sequel authentication I'll provide

the username I'll then provide the

password but that will do is actually go

ahead and queue that I'm server and get

me a list of all the databases that I

have and the one I want to connect with

this one I can then go ahead and save

this connection and we'll then we add it

to the list of connections in my app now

an important point to note here is that

this connection that we created is going

to be available across all the pages in

my app so it's a one-time exercise you

can figure it once um but you can use it

in all your pages as many times as you

may need so that was the that was how to

create an app data connection in the

next video we hope that we will be

looking at how to use this connection

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