How To Use Templates Xmpro App Designer

Learn how to use templates in the XMPRO App Designer to save time when designing your real-time Event Intelligence Applications.

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Learn how to use templates in the XMPRO App Designer to save time when designing your real-time Event Intelligence Applications.

Need help with creating your XMPRO apps? Send an email to... welcome to another training video from

Exim Pro today we will be looking at how

to use templates and app designers so

let's say you are an app designer and

you want to create a new app you would

go to the plus button and you'll be

presented by a few options one of course

is blank app which is explained in how

to create an app video but let's say you

don't want to start from scratch you you

want something be both something to

reuse um that's where the templates come

in you can reuse the work that other

people have done and get a bit of head

start so as you can see there are a

couple of templates here available to me

now if I want I can filter them by the

way with the categories that they may

belong to let's say I want to use asset

even for template to create a new app so

I click on that it'll give me some more

details around that template for example

its description what pages it has who

created it

when it was created in which categories

it belongs to of course it also gives me

the image as well I can select that and

then continue to create my app as usual

for example I can call it as an even


give it a bit of description I'll keep

it brief too to save time for now and

then just choose a category I want it to

be added to I also have options to

choose different themes but once all of

that is done I have chosen this template

I can flick sides left will then create

the app but as you can see it did not

give me a blank app it gave me an app

with existing pages in it and those

pages are also pre-configured as for the

template thank you so much

Last updated