Transpose Transformation Agent Example - Rows - XMPRO Data Stream Designer

Follow this step-by-step example to configure the Transpose Transformation Agent in the XMPro Data Stream Designer.

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this example demonstrates how to use the

transpose agent to group batch sensor

data by class and date and transpose the

rows of type values into columns

first drag the agent onto the canvas

link the input to the batch data

and output to the printer

rename the agent

save the data stream and click on the

agent to configure it

keep the type as rows tick to group by

on sensor class and date

the same for static

transpose on value

their names from sensor type

and enter the values to transpose to new


apply the changes

save the data stream

publish it and let's look at the live

data view

the batch of events are collapsed to one

row per sensor class and date with

columns for each transposed name with

the value from the transposed value

column you can download the files below

to try them out yourself and for more

information about this agent's

properties head to the configuration

page thank you

Last updated

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