How To Use The Textbox - XMPRO App Designer Toolbox

In this video, you’ll learn how to use the textbox in the XMPRO App Designer.

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welcome to another training video from

XM pro in this video we will look at

textbox control and how to use it in app

designer you use the textbox control

when you intend to capture some input

from the user it is slightly different

than a basic text control text only

displays a static value and does not

allow a user to capture or input any

text and inside it whereas the textbox

if you drag it across will provide a

user a placeholder where they can come

in and type a value in in order to

configure the textbox we can go to its

block properties starting with the

appearance we have a standard visible

and a styling mode option visible

specifies if the control should be

visible or not

styling mode just changes the stall in

which it is displayed placeholder

suggests what what value it should

display or background text it should

display if there is no value attached

something like that tooltip basically

lets you specify a bit of text which

will be displayed when I use the hovers

over the control and a Clear button

simply adds a button at the end which is

used to clear the value that is being

displayed inside the control and

behavior we have certain modes where you

can select between text password email

etc each one of them will change the

behavior of the controls slightly for

example a search could add a bit of an

icon making it password will not let

what you type in be visible on the

screen and similarly there are a few

more options you also have an option to

specify max length if you specify a

character limit then I user will not be

able to type more than that amount of

characters in the box

read-only will make the control

read-only and user will not be able to

type in disabled will also make the

control disabled and user will not be

able to interact with it

spellcheck simply disables or enables

browser spellcheck in that control

lastly we have a mask option where you

can define what sort of mask you allow

for user to be able to input data for

example if I just want to allow two

digit number I would type in that the

mask character is the the character

which will be displayed instead of the

value and lastly there is a message

which will be displayed if your value

does not satisfy satisfy the mask that

was specified more details around the

mask can be found in the help

documentation so we won't go into much

detail around that next we have a value

option where one can specify what value

certain controls should have so you can

see I have specified a static value now

if I save it and launch the app you will

see I have three controls the first one

was search control so there the search

icon next to it and also has the the

Clear button which I if I click clears

the value and displays the placeholder

that we specified to be displayed if

there is no value second one captures a

password and the last one does not

capture any character except digits

which I can specify like that you do the

mosque now if we go back we can also

assign a dynamic value to our boxes or

text boxes if you drag a text box into a

container which has a data source

attached for example a data repeater or

or any other control which allows the

data source

like I have one over here which has a

data source attached if I drag a text

box into that you will notice that in

value I am able to specify a dynamic

value so what that will do is on run

time it will not take a static value but

it will take the value which is bound to

that container so that's how you use a

text box control in app designer thank

you so much for watching

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