Variables & Expressions in App Designer - XMPro Lunch & Learn
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hi all and welcome to another lunch and
today what we're going to be covering is
variables and expression
with a focus in the the app designer
so what is it so variables are
essentially placeholders
they are
are they used to to maintain static
values but you can update them
through the course of interacting with
the actual app itself
you can use variables in the expression
you can use other variables with them
calculated fields etc
and an expression
you can think of that as an extra column
on a data source
it allows you to to calculate a
different additional fields different
that you can actually use when binding
that data source
to the actual form itself
we're going to cover two main areas of
variable use in the app designer
there are three
we're just going to focus on the two
that are within the app design and the
third one is actually in the data stream
designer uh we'll cover that in a
another luncheon when we tackle some of
the items in the data stream designer so
for today we're just going to focus on
the two areas of variable use
in the app designer itself
we're going to tackle variables within
an app so where are they how do we get
to them how do we view them
and some basic requirements you always
need access to the app designer
to tackle the one the second area it is
an administrative area
um typically it's something you'll set
up and configure once so you might not
have it depending on your access into
the actual site itself
uh skill level for this um there are
some beginner pieces in here but we're
starting to move into more of the
intermediate skill levels um as we start
configuring these as well
there are two external links as well
i've got them on the right and i'll walk
through what those are as we get into
so as i mentioned the first thing is
inside the app designer there's there's
two areas of where variables
are used
and you can interact with them
the first is obviously you need
administrative access or the ability to
manage create update the variables
on the left if you click the hamburger
you can expand the menu and see all the
different options you'll see a variables
i've got at the bottom here
if you do not have this option
it means you do not have the right to
maintain or change the variables as we
go into it
if you click the variables it'll
actually open up a different blade which
is listing all the variables that is
currently available for the apps
now this is where you can set up your
your access to the different systems
it's also the area where you can come
and actually make specific changes
to the variables themselves
so let's say you have a specific service
account that you're using to access
and you update the service account
instead of having to go through all the
and try and find all the apps that users
have created either you know all of them
or you might even not know all of them
you can change it in one place instead
of having to go through all of them
what the icons mean
is i have not actually configured
anything for these variables at the top
so there's a few options in here you can
manage categories
so you can actually create specific
categories all that does is allows you
to easily group them in this particular
view so you can find what you're
actually looking for as you go through
when you create variables
there's a few
options here
main one is around the encrypt value
so you give it a name provided a
category and the encrypt value is very
as you'll see when i create a connection
to a particular data source and i want
to use the variables
only encrypted variables will be
available in password fields typically
so if you find something is not showing
up in the field where you think it is
just make sure we've got the correct
encryption type
for that as well
so this is typically done
from a an i.t perspective typically done
and you don't really need to come in
here and edit it
and make any changes in it
however where do we actually use these
if i go into a particular app
and i'm just going to go into an
existing app that i have here
when you go into the app data and you
actually click the plus
to add
a new
data source to your your app itself
it's going to ask you some questions
so this is for a sql connector as i
click that it'll open up the properties
for me
over here if i open up the the next one
it'll open up we'll use this one's a
little smaller we can see everything
now the first thing you'll notice
is it has a use variables option here
this example we're not making uh use of
the the variable option the downside to
doing this as i've got it in here
i need to make a change to every single
if my service account details actually
change or the passwords change or the
usernames change
it's much better to make sure you click
the use variables
and we can now go in and we can see all
the different
options that are available
the ones which are not
password fields
will appear in the unencrypted so
typically your username your instances
your client id etc
if we go into the password field this
your list you'll see is a lot shorter
it will only show encrypted fields
so in this field here
it'll only show me and allow me to
select the actual password
field in the username it'll allow me to
select all the different usernames that
we have
and now i can very easily
make sure i select the correct database
and actually go from there
so the first area with regards to
variables is
an area that
is how do i access my data
so how do i get
the data in who controls that where do
you set that up
typically you you do that once um and
you'll go back to it over time to to
make some changes and adjustments to it
and then you use that on the actual app
itself so if i go into a particular page
as an example
and we want to add a new data source
it's going to ask me the same question
if i click the plus it's going to ask me
well where's my connection
if i do not have a connection and i
click plus there again it's going to
walk me through adding that connection
to the actual
app itself and i would suggest use the
variables in that option as well
so that's the one main area to use
variables the second area where you can
use variables is as i've got this
particular screen open
you'll see under page data we have a few
different sections so up to now we
pretty much just focused on the design
sources session or the data sources
section rather
where we can add different data sources
parameters allows me to define some page
parameters if i want to move values
between different pages
and very useful if you've got drawdowns
the variables here this allows me to
create a variable for use in this app
now important to note your variables are
specific to the app page
you can't share variables between pages
if you want to do that
you need to make use of the parameters
and actually pass the variable down to
be able to use it on any drill down
pages that you want to use
so variables here are very much linked
to the page that we've actually got
in here
so when you create a new variable you
have a few options
for it
now before i go into those options
i did mention there were two links on
the the slide that i had open
the first link will actually walk you
into using the variables adding
variables and managing the variables
if you go to our documentation site so
top right there's a search
in the search if you just search for
it'll bring up all the different items
on variables
the how-to guide at the top is the one
that we have open now this is how can i
define a variable that i want to use
across all my apps
so typically your rt will set those up
for you
and then you just use them as you run
through the apps
the second area if we actually scroll
the search results you'll see variables
and expressions so the second link is
actually variables and expressions that
we've opened up over here
and this will walk you through how do we
add a new how do we edit
how do we configure them etc
but the one point i want to make here is
there's two modes that you can actually
create a variable in
the one mode is what we would say is a
value mode which means you can keep
updating a variable as you work through
the page
the other mode is an expression where
you can actually write an expression
which will hold the value of that
now what do i actually mean by that
you'll see i've got two variables here
if i click the edit and go on to the
first variable you'll see here it is
defined as a value
now what that means is this variable
will store
in the the name selected time
anything that i actually select
so it is a
a placeholder for me to use on this
particular app now i've been provided a
value through any of the other fields
here that have a value option and i'll
show you where we're actually using it
on this page
the second variable if i click its
pencil this one actually opens up an
how we change that is you click the
value you go to expression it'll give
you the expression
now what's important here when you are
creating variables make sure your data
types are correct
um any of the
parameters operations functions that
you're trying to do here are specific to
the data type it's not going to allow
you to save this if you're trying to
you know convert text into a date time
or integer and it's not compatible so
always make sure your date time is
this particular expression here is
adding days to the exact same variable
that we've selected at the top
we are then getting the date difference
and we are using a local time so how do
we actually create this
all expressions in the app designer
follow a very similar approach
you have access to your parameters if
you have any defined if you click
variables you can actually see the
variables will be listed here
how you add them to the expression
editor if i just push enter a few times
to given you a few new lines
if you double click the time
it'll actually fill in the values in the
expression editor for you automatically
again you just double click time and
it'll fill that in for you you don't
have to figure out how do i type it out
um what's the correct spelling i need to
use etc just double click anything in
editor at the bottom and it'll add it to
the top for you as well
um when we are talking about true false
is mobile um how do we define constants
and use them as well
functions anything that you want to do
from a daytime logical you know maths
business role
etc will be in constant functions and
then you have operators coming down the
bottom and here as well
so the date time you have a lot of
options in here
if we go all the way down to the
add days
if i click on that so single click not a
double click if i double click it'll add
it into the editor at the top
if i single click it
it'll actually bring up the help text
for me on the right
so it'll give me a explanation of what
it's expecting
and it'll also give me a description of
what it is trying to do
so if i go into the logical and i click
the if as an example you'll see there
it'll give you just a breakdown of what
it's expecting
and then a brief description of what
it's looking for
if i double click the if
it'll fall that in for me
i can now click into a particular area
and i can go into the variables and i
can actually use a variable in there as
so we're just going to discard those
changes for now
and we'll come back to that
so selected time again this is just
defined as a value which means we're
going to keep updating its value for it
what do i mean by that if i just open up
tab here and i just go into this actual
app itself so we can see what it is
so as the app loads you'll see i have
data live data coming through i have
live data coming through but i have a
drop down at the top here
and i have certain fields in this drop
down as well
if i select anything in the drop down
what you'll notice is i am now not
getting my loud data anymore
but i've got a specific snapshot in time
that i'm viewing because i've selected
at the top
if i go and delete that and tab out of
that you'll see it'll bring back my live
view as well
this was done using a combination of
variables and expressions so let's break
this down
if i come back into this particular
app itself the first thing is we've got
the selected time defined
the second thing is on our date selector
at the top if we go to its properties
you will see in its properties here
we've got appearance
we've got behavior where we want to go
into is value
typically when you will drag this on its
would be using the static option
if you click that it'll swap to a
dynamic option
and in the drop down you'll be able to
select the variable
so what we're doing here is we're saying
whatever i'm selecting as a user in this
drop down
we need to make that information
available into this variable so getting
it's getting stored into that variable
itself so
if i select in this drop down to 12 am
my variable when i say 12 am if i do
that to the 12 20 it'll have the 1220.
so how do we actually see that how do we
know it's doing that
but across the top we're just going to
edit the the particular app so i'm just
going to create
a new
label we've just cloned the first one
we're just going to give it some spacing
on the left
instead of it having the the words of
pump data in there
we are going to
set it to variable.time
uh actually select the time that's what
i'm interested in
so now if we go back to the actual app
itself and we refresh this
there's no value currently for that
particular field
if i select something in
you'll see
i now have a
a value that has been selected
for it
if i go down it'll select the next one
and if i keep going down it'll select
the next one as well
because we are dealing with date times
it's going to bring up the raw date time
information for me as well that's why
it's very important to make sure you're
using the correct data sources and
you're not trying to do this as a string
when it should be a data or string when
it should be an integer or a double or a
long so very important there
so again
if i come back and reload this the first
time you'll notice that nothing will be
until i actually select something in the
field that i've got coming in as soon as
i select something it'll make that value
available into that field which is
across the top there and i can now use
it on any of the other fields on the
form that i want to
so where is this actually being used
so we're just going to get rid of the
and we're going to come back to the
actual date selector itself
and we go into the box
we can just minimize all the items
the the two boxes that we've actually
got here
if i highlight the one and how i know
they've got data bound to them is they
have a yellow border around them as well
so looking at this page i can see that
there is data for them
so that is how i know to look at them
for their data sources so if i just
click the one that we're looking at here
you'll see this is bound to its pump
history data
the visible we're actually using a quick
expression value
so again if we come back to variables
the first one
we were using it as a value
the second one we were using the
expression editor here and we're going
to add some days when you've selected it
and we're going to convert it
so you're using expression editor as
part of the variable itself
the other way you can use this as well
is on any of the fields
that allow you to change static to
dynamic to quick expression you can use
the expression editor as well
so typically this field looking at it
here you would have a true or false
however we only want this to display
if you have selected something in the
we could
bind it to a variable
and we could have the variable handle
that as well
but what we're going to do in this
instance if i click that as a second
time it's actually going to give me the
quick expression value field
if you click into that field
you'll see exactly the same window pops
it's exactly the same window
that popped up when we were doing this
on the variable side
if you click parameters
variables you can see my two variables i
have all my constants i have all my
functions coming in here as well
so typically you would have your static
you would check the one to be able to
select something either on the data
source that binds around you
or on the actual variables or parameters
or if you click it again you get access
to the quick expression value this one
here is
using a conditional check
if that variable
is a valid date
then it's going to use it on this
particular data source in here as well
if it is not a valid date then it is
going to
set the visibility of this to false so
this here you'll see there's actually
two boxes in this example
all it's doing is it's taking the one
making the one visible
and taking the other one making the
other one invisible
for it
these particular boxes here have a data
source and on the filter
here you can see we're actually using
that variable as well
when you create any filters
or any of the the options uh in here and
you're using the filter control
it'll default to the static
if you click that
it'll turn into
a selectable so it's more of a dynamic
you can see there's the data source
around it but we're interested in the
so we can actually define and select
that variable that we're interested in
in here as well
so variables can be used and have their
values assigned
by interacting with different fields on
the form and to do that
on the actual control that you want to
update the variable
you need to make sure that you set its
value to that variable
you can then use this variable
in different ways one of them in a
which is what we've got in here so again
if i go all the way up here and i go to
its filter you'll see a variable gets
used in this filter as well
you can use it again
in anything that has a static to a
dynamic to a quick expression editor in
here as
one more area you can use expressions i
just discard all those changes coming in
and we can close the filter there we go
on the page data side
you'll see i have my pump data so i have
all my data coming through
from a particular data source so if i
click the pencil you'll see this is
coming from a data stream
what you can also do here is you can
create expressions on this data source
as well so what i want to do here
i'm going to call it indicator color
we're going to keep it as a string and
i'm going to go into functions
we're going to use the if
so here what we're going to say is if
and what you'll see is because i'm in a
data source
i have a new section called fields
if you are not in the data source you
will not get the fields option but what
this allows me to do is interact with
these fields
coming through here
so what i can do
is let's have a look at
the data flowing through here
what we want to do is just put a simple
conditional clause in there that if my
temperature goes above
let's say 95 for long drive end
so if my non-drive in temperature again
click where you want
double click so if my non-drive
temperature is upwards of 95
then what we want to do is we want this
to be red otherwise
we want this to be green
we can click save
what we're doing here is we're creating
expression on the data source
itself so
right at the bottom indicator color was
not available in the original data
source however there are conditions
there is logic
i actually want to use the conditional
indicator now so now what i can do is i
can have a look at the actual
if i select
the box in question
this is bound to the pump data
i'm going to just move this
up a little bit so we can actually see
what it looks like
and we are going to drag on an indicator
i'll just put it at the top
for now
now on the indicator you'll see i have
the color option here i can provide a
static color
if i click that i then get access into
the data source
because there's a data source that is
sitting around this particular
indicator there is my indicator color
i know it's a expression because of the
fx i can actually click that and now i
can use that
in my my app itself
so if i just save that
and we just refresh the app
you'll see the color will start changing
as the condition
is met that i've actually defined for it
in as well
so the color indicator you could
work that color out in an actual data
stream there's nothing wrong with doing
it there
you can also do it within the app
designer on the actual data source
itself like we've done over here
you can get a lot more complex in your
expressions using the functions
using the constants using the fields etc
another example of what you could do is
if i go into the variables here and i
i just want to create a variable called
full name
for for the user again it's going to be
a string
and we can say expression
if we go into constants you'll see there
is a first name there is a last name if
i double click first name it'll fill
that in for me
we're just going to add a space in there
and double click last name
for that as well and click save
so creating variables is very easy
the the one thing to keep in mind is
what are you wanting to use the variable
for um and where do you want to update
it and where do you want to
use it in a filter etc
if i go into the top here again and
we're just going to create a
little space here
this one here we're again going to click
the static
and in there we are just going to use
the full name
and if we refresh to see what that
actually looks like
you'll see it'll bring
the full name coming through
for a variable which means if i now need
to update the data source or pass this
down into a system that i'm trying to
integrate with or update
or insert i can actually pass who was
the user through there as well using a
thank you for your for your time today
um and for attending another lunch and
one thing to remember we only touched on
two of the areas of variable use these
are mainly used inside the app designer
there is a third inside the data stream
designer which we'll get to in a future
lunch and learn
thank you again for the time
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