21 August 2024
Security update: Mitigate a high-severity vulnerability by upgrading Azure SQL and SQL Connectors.
Support nested JArray response.
Support auth token via another REST call.
Support nested Jarray response.
Support auth token via another REST call.
Support entering parameters manually.
Support a message prefix - useful to differentiate between environments
Updated a reference to resolve an error on Stream Host v4.4+
I ran the on-prem installers for App Designer and Data Stream Designer using the Installation Profile, but an "invalid_grant" error is thrown. This error, introduced with v4.4.7's package upgrades, has been resolved.
App Designer
Favorite your commonly used Blocks to access them more easily from a new Block category, Favorites.
The Metablock supports Value Mappings so that static, data source of expression values can be passed into the Metablock on page load.
I tried splitting my script into 3 and using the new Metablock, but my App is throwing 500 errors for the styling and script files. The single script file works as expected. The Metablock handles CSS and JavaScript injection at runtime, so explicit import code isn’t needed and will result in the 500 error. See here for more.
I created a new expression on my new App. I did something else and when I returned to Page Data, the expression was missing. I tried to add it again, but observed an error that the name was in use. The display has been corrected so that newly created expressions remain on the list of data source columns until deleted.
I opened Manage Access on my App to grant Design Access to one user, but clicking one user selects them all. Clicking an individual user only selects that user and no others.
I clicked Edit Templates after adding a new notification to a Recommendation Rule, but clicking one template selects them all. Clicking an individual template only selects that one and no others.
Data Stream Designer
I cannot upload a bulk agent file even though it meets the requirements - the compressed size is 29MB and the pre-compression contents are 90MB. The internal API limit was increased to the bulk Agent file limit of 100MB.
Last updated
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