Azure Web Job


The first Azure Web Job is created as part of the Azure ARM Template and has already met the hardware requirements and software requirements.

If you require more Stream Hosts, follow these steps to add additional Azure Web Job Stream hosts.

Setting up a Web Job

XMPro Stream Host can be hosted as a Web Job in Azure. Following are the steps required to set up a web job:

1. Install a Stream Host locally as a Console Application

Warning: Read the instructions in the Install Stream Host on Windows x64 article.

2. Copy the installed files and add them to this zip

Installed files can usually be found at C:\Program Files\XMPro Stream Host\*

3. Azure may restrict file uploads to 50Mb. If so, remove these from the zip to cut down the size:

  • Cache folder

  • Logs folder

  • *.jar files

  • *.pdb

4. Create a Web Job as per the instructions on the Microsoft Documentation site.

5. Choose the following settings:



File Upload

Select the zip created above




Single Instance

It is recommended to use a separate App service for Web Jobs to keep Data Stream Designer and Stream Hosts separate.

Next Step: Agents & Connectors

The stream host installation is complete. Please click below to install the default Agents & Connectors:

Install Agents & Connectors

Last updated

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