Digital Twin: Your Most Productive Remote Worker - XMPRO Webinar
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In this webinar on Digital Twins, we'll cover:
Why dashboards won’t solve your remote monitoring challenges
Applications of digital twins for remote working
How to get started with your first digital twin
XMPRO’s Event Intelligence Platform enables subject matter experts to easily create real-time applications that provide situational awareness, are always on, and prescribe and orchestrate appropriate actions.
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so welcome to this webinar on digital
twin your most productive remote worker
and we'll look at how to detect and
respond real-time events when your your
team can't be on-site or at the physical
assets the focus all today is wide
dashboards won't solve your remote
monitoring challenges the application of
digital twins for a mud monitoring and
also how to get started with your first
remote monitoring digital twin the goal
of my presentation is to help three
types of people and organizations the
first is those that have already started
on remote monitoring and the digital
twin journey actually as a result of
having to move their control room to the
bedroom as what has happened over the
last couple of weeks with with with many
organizations the second audience is
really those who have already started
implementing some remote monitoring but
it's not really helping to tell the
organization's win key business events
are happening so they've started doing
it but not really that effective and
then lastly the the goal of the
presentation is to help people
organisations who are not going to go
back to the old way of doing things and
that have recognized that the next
normal or the new normal require more
responsive and remote digital
capabilities going forward
so it's not for the laggards I'm Peter
Funt scopic I'm the the chief digital -
an officer at XM Pro and I've worked in
both engineering and IT and I'm probably
version 1.0 of what is called a digital
engineer as we starting to see
traditional engineering skills are now
converging with with digital or IT
skills I have a passion for solving
complex problems and being actively
involved in the industry internet
searching with a number of initiatives
including digital twins and I've
contributed articles to Forbes through
the folks Technology Council but I've
also had the opportunity to kind of work
firsthand with digital twins and look at
how they impact operations and
maintenance in a number of the
industries that we work in
and I take some prior trying to a
few licks or of those examples with you
today so one of the things that we've
seen with the covert 19 pandemic is that
it's impacted different industries in
different ways and but for most of us it
has actually changed the way that we
work day to day
Jarrod's Patara was on the interview
with such an Adele a couple of weeks ago
when he said we will never go back to
the way that we that we worked in the
past and in a different thought leaders
and analysts agree that you know the way
that we thought we were going to work in
five to seven years time from now is
actually how we started working two or
three months ago we all expected to work
from anyway that capability but we never
thought it would be forcibly
fast-tracked to us and this combined
with the maturity of emerging
technologies like IOT cloud age AI
machine learning all of that is creating
a perfect storm for event based remote
monitoring and digital twins so before
yeah so what we covered today is really
why dashboards won't solve your remote
monitoring challenges we see a number of
customers trying to start there and with
that I might like to share with you how
we stumbled on this event based remote
monitoring drones while working at a
fortune thin super major oil company in
in it was actually in 2014 so we've been
around this space for a while and one of
the number of challenges that they had
was trying to address how to schedule
their truck rolls for cruise around
compliances inspections and that that
work impacted the production yield on
their on the oil field so they try to
manage this with spreadsheets and bi
dashboards and and the challenge is that
the decisions that they made were on
were done on style data that was
actually sent to a title like with batch
by CT else I think a lot of you are
familiar with that kind of thing
and you know extra fact some of the data
lag by as much as 24 hours
the dashboards required a skilled
engineer to interpret and look at it and
decide on what actions need to be done
and and when that engineer one person
suddenly had to take extended paternity
leave no one knew how to interpret the
the dashboards itself so decisions were
typically made on on information that
was that was out date and didn't really
reflect what was happening around
operations and maintenance events and
there was also no way to link those
actions and those decisions with his
work actually being done because there
was no way to track the dashboard versus
the actual work they needed to do so we
need to try to build that into our BPM
or workflow engine but we realized that
the sheer volume of streaming data
needed to do this in real time kind of
needed a whole new approach so we
created a remote monitoring digital twin
built on event-driven architecture and
I'll spend a bit more time on that and
it's really for real-time operational
intelligence and we call it event
intelligence so it's about that
real-time what are the key events that
are happening so you know when we got
this right we saved them eight million
dollars in six months and we also
reduced the truck rolls for those
services by eighteen percent so again
looking at some of the challenges that
we see with bi styled dashboards kind of
my two main ones is the one is access to
real time data and the other one is
closing the loop so we briefly touch on
those and remember kind of the data like
way the oil and gas customer trying to
put all the information and then with
the reporting on the challenge where
that is that you are using bi style2
tools to do that way we first stole and
then we analyzed and what real-time
remote monitoring requires is actually
access the real-time streaming data
where you analyze and if you you may or
may not store the information so as it
happens you need to analyze it very
quickly gotten actually graded or really
and just by the way um what what we've
is the tip of the iceberg or the easy
part is what we store the harder part
and what you really need and the thing
that that that that the sink many IOT
projects or remote monitoring projects
is the fact that there's expectation
that those dashboards can do that the
the top part what what we forget is that
there's a the the mass of the body
actually resides under this gardener as
a nice way of explaining this and this
is from a gardener slide but really if
you look at bi and all of those we store
and then you analyze versus what we see
from continuous operations intelligence
or event intelligence where it's kind of
embedded in the business process and as
you can see we analyze as it happens
which is reflected by the process it
gives us situational awareness it's
always on pushes the information to us
but it also orchestrates why do we need
to do when that happens prescriptive
action and the whole idea is that we
close the loop so it is a process that
you can build around this and by the way
you can store data if you want to then
which is reflected there a better way of
looking at this as well is also from a
remote monitoring perspective time
relevance of data is really really
important so when a key business event
happens and that might be that we can
predict something's going to file or
that are that are operational that you
need to make operational changes or
something like that when that event
happens the information that we have
then start appreciating very quickly
once we know something is likely to
happen or happening in some instance we
have you know the information starts
depreciating within a second a minute an
hour or a day which you see at the top
and when it's completely there's nothing
I can do about it anymore
a slightly different time cycle and we
have this window of opportunity that sit
between the two and that's the time that
we have to respond so we typically want
to know when these key events are
happening and just remember these
revenue yellow dots I'll get back to
them a little bit lighter but those are
key things that we want to know and what
we've seen is business intelligence is
when the sand was settled I can go back
and analyze you know below the line when
it's had
and and I can understand how many file
is that I have why did I have it from a
feint intelligence that's the sign
that's still in flight it's something
that I could potentially still impact
and that is what the benefit that we see
with remote monitoring so if you get
this right and this is an example of a
mining customer that started out with
Excel and B I'm not going to spend too
much time on this but every single red
cross that you see is when equipment
filed that cost the impact of this was
literally millions of dollars and 41
hours of downtime on equipment and I'll
show you a little bit more of that
environment in in a minute but these are
the conveyor belts underground 1.2
kilometers underground 80 kilometers of
conveyor and these are failures on these
conveyors trying to manage it with Excel
and bi
only getting to it you know once a week
once they've implemented the XM Pro
monitoring capability from a digital
twin for the for the for those
underground conveyors you can see the
impact that it's had because we can do
that now at scale the monitoring twin
can do this every two seconds we can
give them advance notice and we can tie
it back into you know are we actually
going when we tell you something's
happening are you going to do it and
this is actually the the environment so
this is a under this is a borer
underground 1.2 kilometers underground
and the stuff that or a camp that comes
out of this goes onto a conveyor belt
which when this project initiated and
you know we took this initial snapshot
of in the in the early version of of
wind and this is looking at conveyors
you can just see the red and yellow dots
you can see a lot of problems and some
of this resulted in in in high downtime
the the second part is what we took a
coupla days ago so you can see how it is
actually changed in terms of being able
to monitor this better the interesting
part of this is the person who knows how
to do this their reliability engineer
that can look at the recommend that can
look at the event provide a
recommendation if someone has been there
45 years lots of experience and it's
actually someone who is at risk at the
moment in terms of
the curve at nineteen virus so that
person is working from home he's been
able to do all of this from home for the
last couple of weeks so you can see the
benefit of having moving the control
room to the bedroom but bringing that
remote monitoring digital to
incapability into it and the from our
perspective there's a big difference
between what you do on a dashboard this
is what we refer to as an event board
and which is this digital twin that
represents where are the key events that
are happening and I'm not interested in
the speeds and feeds and I don't need to
know what the tank level is I just need
to know if there's a problem with that
tank and what do I need to do when that
happens so that's kind of the first
issue that we have with bi style
dashboards and and things like that
where the second part is really how do
we close the loop and I'm gonna talk a
little bit around that by showing you
some applications and by what I mean by
closing the loop and with looking at
some applications of digital twins for a
my cracking I wrote a article in Forbes
not too long ago around how to hire the
right digital twin for your company and
will provide this link to you in the in
with the recording that we send out
later but when you look at a digital
twin it's very similar to hiring a
person in your organization and there
are key things that you want is to this
this thing to do so kind of the the
identified three major jobs that we hire
digital twins to do the first one is
just tell me what's going on that's the
status twin the next one is you know
tell me what I should be doing digital
twin which is our operational
interacting it's kind of giving me
advice and an interactive and then the
last one it's kind of the Oracle in the
organisation it it's the tell me what if
scenario simulation predictions
capability that we see with digital to
ontology to go and read that that
article explains it in a lot more detail
but I thought I'd show you some examples
now ignore what you see on the bottom
right which is the recommendations
because we just can't help ourselves we
have to kind of shove it but for the
rest what you see is a typical status
TWEN what is happening right now - and I
can get a view on on different aspects
and this is built in XM Pro this is a
slightly different so this is an example
of an operational twin so again this
tells me where certain things are
happening so if you look at the previous
one I don't see any see any real red
dots or events or anything like that I
just see I know what's the status now I
see there are problems in certain areas
like at the pumps and and things like
that and this is also recommendations
associated with each one of those so if
you look at the bump the the dot in them
over here you'll see there's a
recommended recommendation associated
with that specific pump and also there's
some information around how good are we
at resolving this so kind of connecting
back to our weave are we fixing this and
how good are we and you'll see this is a
constant pattern that we repeat in these
remote monitoring digital twins this is
that same one with a little bit more
simulation capability so this runs a uni
a Unity gaming engine at the back and
you can drill down and fly in and in the
prison in the demonstration a little bit
later I might get to that and so the the
but this is the real area that you know
we when you look at a simulation twin or
something like that and this is what's
actually done by one of our partners
they are on the call so this is a
simulation when that does casting
guidance for blast furnaces is their IP
there's some really smart models and
things that sit at the back what you see
it over here this is actually a unity
based model that can move up and down
I'm not going to get into the specifics
of how this works but with this I can
run scenarios I can do all sorts of
things again taking real-time monitoring
data and providing costing guidance -
and operate
who needs to make decisions the the
benefit of this again doing model tuning
and and and setting up new scenarios can
be done remotely by people who are not
on site who might actually be sitting in
their bedroom again again this is done
by one of our partners if you're
interested in in in this application and
they've specialized the engineering firm
who does this happy to if you contact me
happy to share their contact details
with you and you can explore how this
could apply to your business so in terms
of closing the loop which is the last
part so what we often see is there there
are multiple systems that provide and
that's one of the challenges with
dashboards is kind of how do we close
the loop I can see information um I have
all these systems that give me alerts
but what I'm really trying to do is is
kind of connect that up to an action and
with those events that you solve
triggered earlier those red dots and
yellow dots this is a recommendation for
each of those that you can set up and it
shows the real-time information that
that triggered that event a
recommendation from that engineer who's
been there 45 years and it's now working
from his bedroom and some interaction
with and putting out work instructions
and you can even bring in work order
information and some of the other
components the way that we set that up
is we wire that up and this is again
something that you can you can give the
digital twins some intelligence some
rules that it needs to follow to figure
out how to trigger those key events by
by setting up rules and this is fed from
an XM probe data stream if you look at
the XMP idea stream it is that thing
that sits under the water when you look
at the iceberg the big mass or body
master that then that was sitting there
so again looking at that mining
organization closing the loop for them
in that they also not only understood
what the key events or but how often
those we triggered how people
responded to them how long it took to
actually resolve some of them and again
this changed significantly from when it
started and it moved from a dashboard
Excel environment into a monitoring twin
and that has got feedback loop so I just
lastly just want to touch on how to get
into your first digital twin and I'll do
that by explaining a little bit in terms
of our methodology but then take you
into showing you how you would actually
do that using our application now we've
created this lean digital twin canvas
it's bold it's it's basically a business
model canvas that we've adapted for a
lean digital twin it's kind of the one
page view if you had to add one slide
that you can present to your executive
to get funding for this digital - and
what would you put on that and the
numbering that you see on here it's kind
of the sequence that you that you put
this together so if you started on a
digital twin is and that's what's what's
the problem that I'm trying to solve we
often see people start with I have this
data what can I do is it it's kind of
the wrong end what you know you need to
focus on what is the problem that I'm
trying to solve who will be my customer
will be the user of this remote
monitoring for example what is the value
prop that for this and and what does the
solution compile consists of so what are
we going to include in that what are
some of the challenges that we might
have and and as you can see the business
guys the key matrix that we are going to
measure to make sure that this is a
success how can we establish a baseline
and then what will this cost and what
integration challenges maybe have in
what way do we need to get the data from
this is really the job description for
that digital twin that you want to hire
once you've got that it makes it a lot
easier to go into how our standard
approach of developing digital twins it
always thoughts with what is the problem
that this from work monitoring digital
twin will be solving for you and kind of
we've divided it into three main
components again we need to look at what
are the
we need to get the data stream so once
we know what the problem is we've gone
through you know what are the key
metrics and what are the leading
indicators that we're trying to get to
we they need to see so how do we get
that data streaming into our rules and
you can see again this we've broken it
down into easy chunks of work to do how
can we then define what those and those
rules and recommendations how would we
actually give that to someone in the
event board with notifications and and
also integrated into existing systems
like EAM and ERP and some of the other
things and this is kind of the this
standard way that we look at doing
things so kind of the three steps that
we follow in doing this in the first
step is we will create the data streams
and I'll show you that in a minute
we then set up recommendation rules and
then we create the visualizations and
the front-end for for this so that's
kind of the three simple steps in terms
of how to get started so with that maxsa
going to show you a live example and
just want to get that across a layer and
I'm just going to open up X and press
this is the standard Exim Pro module so
we'll start off as a as I mentioned with
the data streams so this is where we get
the data into our digital twin now that
we know what the problem is and again
always thought with what is the problem
that you're trying to solve so you'll
see we refer to these actually as use
cases what are the use cases that you
want to do and it might be I just want
to confirm that everyone can see my
screen so oh cool got confirmation yet
you can see my screen so this is where
we bring data in and these are built
around specific again use cases or
applications and if I look at something
like maybe a center that's in traffic or
pump that we saw the red dot that we saw
on there I'm not going to run through
the whole thing here but the whole idea
is how can I set up a data workflow for
my hundred pumps or 200 pumps using one
data workflow I can I bump the data in
from all of them I'm getting it from
time series data or maybe some protocol
and I'll do that by listeners drag and
drop and again a whole library of this
there are separate videos that cover
this on our Learning Channel
and so urge you to go and have a look at
those if you're more interested in this
context where do we give the mic and
model from a side B and other
applications like that and then how do I
set up some analytics for this and
wrangle the data how do I bring in and
then go and call a predictive model for
example in this instance and then in
what's what's nice with this is you can
also change predictive models and this
one will predict that it's likely to
file an enema go and run a completely
different predictive model and again all
of these X and Pro comes boxed was a
bunch of AI and machine learning
capability already the drag-and-drop
anja so you can buy kit into into your
data flow that's really where you want
to use this transformations is just how
you wrangle the data and and do
calculations and things like that
functions is where
Bly and maybe first careers or something
if I want to look at bearing vibration
and the last thing is I want to create
some actions I want to see nowadays and
missus I want to send it into the XM Pro
managing work orders and then or into
ASAP or Maxima or in for that doesn't
matter what the system is that you're
sending into but I also want to run
these recommendation rules so again a
bunch of capability but what I wanted to
get across here is and you know all of
these are pretty easy to set up the
whole idea is you can construct the the
veins that flow or the blood that
through flow through the veins of your
digital twin through this this is kind
of like the blood that that that flows
through that and again pretty easy to
set up the different systems to be able
to talk to and create the logic that I
want to feed the information for my
real-time monitoring to and so this now
tells me from a monitoring perspective
what's happening to this bump so that's
the first part the second now that we
know that and we've sent it on to our
recommendation rules so there's some
data coming out of this pipe okay
actually go and have a look at that
quickly before we look at the actual
applications and screens itself so if I
look at the recommendations and actually
just going so this is all the
recommendations and there are different
ways that you can manage and I'm
actually going to resolve that one
because I want to show that these fire
in terms of real time but before but so
I couldn't manage them at a high level
but what I'm what I'm what I want to do
is actually show you how we set them up
so if I look at that discharge pressure
on the pump the one that created that
red dot was actually this one but it's
only got one rule in so I will actually
have a look at the second one which has
got an additional rule so you can see I
can bold rules on this incoming data
remember this
so my digital twin
blood Turing the flowing through the
veins is now sending me in some
information that it's collected along
the way that information I can now use
to set up a recommendation to say well
when this condition occurred make it a
red condition or a yellow condition or
whatever it is or medium or high or
whatever the case might might be angry
eyes some response that I need I want to
know what with work instructions and and
integrating it into our existing
workflow cyst or ein system and adding
resources like video clips on how to fix
this bump but in order to do that I need
to set up a rule and this rule the data
that you see coming out of this is
actually the data coming out of this
pipe over here so that is how we connect
and that's the part that's often missing
in dashboards you can't do that you can
I'll show you a dashboard in a minute or
if input but without this capability of
bringing data at scale being an analyzer
bring it down to what you need and this
board is is the part that you need to
set up these rules and recommendations
to make your event you know this will do
in any event when that will tell you and
by the way you know this could also be
that I want to say that the flow rate is
less than the feed right so you can
build some really interesting rules and
this is actually maintained by that
engineer working from home who's been
there 45 years he knows what the rules
are and also and we have also invested
in building this rule the rule discovery
through AI topic for a separate webinar
but in this instance it's actually set
up by and the recommended actions by
that person has been there 45 years a
great way to capture and make a digital
to an intelligent using the knowledge of
people who's been there a long time and
understand what they're looking at and
translate that into and codify that into
into a real tongue digital twin so this
is the the recommendation now that we
have that let's see what it looks like
if I go
look at what that recommendation
actually does and I'll quickly go in and
look at so if we look at a at a at a
mining plant for example and a
processing plant on a mine what you'll
see conveyors there's there's a pump and
there's the equipment I can see there is
an issue with that I can see how long
we're currently taking to do some of the
things but they will see that there's
actually discharge exception on this
pump but I'd actually like to understand
more around the pump pump so this is
capability that I now have from a remote
monitoring digital to an I'm sitting in
my bedroom and I can see the information
if I'd want to drill down into some of
the other organizational data sources
like in this instance the historian
that's got the history of the last 20
years of this pump collected I don't
need that right now if I have lost seven
days I've got enough and and I could
actually even have the work order
information from the I said from the
same system whatever display on on this
as well and yeah I can see some of the
key metrics but I can also look at what
the recommendation is around that pump
and what you'll see in this instance
there is the data that triggered so the
data that's coming through from my data
stream is not has now triggered that
condition that we set and that condition
these are the actual values that created
I can then create and a comment or
instruction I can then assign it to the
work order management system either
automatically or depending on how the
organization want to use these
recommendations so that's one way of
kind of closing the loop and why a
dashboard doesn't give you that
capability doesn't give you the ability
to see to back to command and control
and give the feedback and if we look at
one or two other examples
on this it could be as simple you know
it doesn't always have to be fancy
pictures like the previous one that I
showed you it could be some something as
simple as now these are all my conveyors
and I can see the health score again I
would get alerted when some of these
with the red condition and I get SMS
with the yellow condition and I get an
email and I would know what what the
recommended action is and what the data
was that would triggered it I could
drill down in a similar way a different
view of what a digital twinness it's not
always a fancy 3d CAD model or something
like that but if we if we were to do
that in extra fact let me show you an
example of just a close of an example
that is more sophisticated so this is a
water treatment plant and this digital
twin actually runs a a unity gaming 3d
rendering of the real-time data so it
will see this is my real-time plant I've
got some bumps and things here and I can
navigate and go into and actually and if
I just like different views then I can
actually draw in and you know what
you'll see what it does it actually
shows me the condition and there you can
see the real-time data stream so again
there is action agent in here that will
anything from smart contracts on through
to things like unity models and we can
we can make the digital the remote
monitoring digital to an really really
intelligent with different capabilities
but the real but the real time data and
get through the recommendations in
everything that you see is still exactly
the same and serious got a question for
me which is probably a leading to into
the next section on our webinar so that
is the the way that we put this
twins together we start with the data
stream within create recommendations
that we want and conditions and then we
create the actual application and the
way that we put these applications
together if I just quickly go back to an
example like this conveyor acid one it's
pretty easy to to create these
applications inside example I have
rights so I can edit this one I
shouldn't because our precise theme will
be will will have to go and and roll it
back right if I update the version but
this is how I build and design so I can
layout I can drag things on yeah I can
make areas like this a widget and they
reuse that widget so you'll see we've
got widgets and then you can very easy
to actually build it out but you don't
start here you don't start with the
dashboard you start with what is the
data stream what are the recommendations
that sit behind it and then how do I
want to visualize it and show it to
so with that time for any questions that
you may have on on this so leave a few
minutes for for questions and answers
and if you're interested well you know
we can help you
using our three-step process we can help
you to build a real-time and digital
twin monitoring twin that can connect
the data and kind of give you that
unbiased right timing information so
that you know what you're looking at and
you can track the leading indicators for
key events with that so that any
there is one I'm just going to open up
the question box the world virtual
coffee be provided so I think one of the
interesting things with these digital
twins and thank you for that question so
I think one of the interesting things
with these these digital twins is you're
only limited by your imagination in
terms of what you can put together and I
always use the example of traditional
status twin is something if you think
about your car it is like your fuel
gauge you can see what the level of the
fuel is and you need to be an
experienced operator if you've been
driving for a number of years you'll
know exactly what what that means when
it's high or low and whether you can get
to your destination that's kind of
typically what what we see with bi star
which is it's it's that when we look at
some smarter solutions
you know the lightest versions of the
Tesla's if I put my GPS if I put my GPS
coordinates in I can actually the the
call will will look at the charge that
is got it will determine whether it can
actually get to that destination if it
can't it will flag that it's an event it
will then look at so this is
intelligence that you can build into
twin like this it can then look at what
are the charging stations on the way
where is an open slot in one of those
charging stations and do you want me to
book it for you obviously that will
optimize everything and once you once
you there and answer your question
around the virtual coffee well what you
can actually do is if there's a
Starbucks nearby you can actually at the
digital to an order your stop your
Starbucks coffee and and and donat while
your car is being charged I know it's a
little bit of a different kind of take
on that but yeah so I think the other
some of the other
around years how long does how long does
it take to create a digital twin like
this of typically do we have a six week
program from and you can find
information on our website as well we
have a six week kickstart program where
right from the start we you have a
digital twin delivering value is is
typically around a six week window
depending on on access to data and how
much you want to do in-house so one of
our objectives is to try and your people
to be able to do this yourself
the there's a question around issue of a
three step approach applicable for
building a supply chain digital to an
absolutely we've built a digital to an
around supply chain solution for a
really large multinational organization
and it follows exactly the same thing we
need to understand kind of what the key
objectives were and the instance it was
sort of inventory planning then you know
what are that the the data real-time
data that they need and how do we get
access to that and how do we get it into
a shape by using a in the into a shape
that I could use it to create
recommendations and those
recommendations around short-term
inventory planning and then lastly how
do we now show that is someone and how
do we tell them to do something and how
do we integrate and I actually use ASAP
as the backend and the question so I'm
just running through them quickly have
you have you integrate your platform
with clamp point models or models yes so
the a number of of different ones and
one of the interesting digital twin
knots if you call it technology or
platforms that are emerging or for
example the Microsoft digital twin which
is really a BIM model
and integrating the information out of
that yes so managing the data flow is
the key yes absolutely so it's not about
the visualization it's and thank you for
that question
it is about how do I get the data from
the real time sources how do I reduce
the lag how do I make sure that I don't
necessarily store but I just I analyze
and then decide if I want to store but
that is kind of the biggest challenge
that we see with us with this question
is how do we handle potential false
alarms great question one of the things
that we've done initially and again
we've been around the spice for a while
we and we made a number of mistakes as
we as we went along this one of the
first things that we try to do is take
that data stream and push it and have a
predictive model and then push it
directly into a seppie or Maxima
whatever the case might be ended up with
false positives and every single time
you send out someone to go and have a
look at a machine and they get there and
there's nothing wrong with it you lose
credibility so that's one of the reasons
why the recommendations are and one of
the things that you'll see on the
recommendation is was this
recommendation success did it resolve it
yes or no and the other option is you
can actually say was this a false
positive so that you can go and tune
your model and and there's always at the
moment there's it's not decision
automation it's decision support so
we're not one of the downfalls as we
started off trying to do one of the
challenges we had was trying to
automatically grade those work orders
yes we can is it a good thing typically
not until you really trust information
you fine-tune your models and you know
that they're working well so that's how
we how we handle false positive alarms
and there they are are different ways of
also doing it or discovering that
through some IR technology that we're
using it or digital twins for machine
manufactory manufacturers possible
absolutely so if you and we are actually
working with machine manufacturers that
make really interesting components in
actually have IOT capability now built
into the component I deployed tens of
thousands of this and that information
gets fed and they are selling the hard
way with the software that the remote
monitoring event one for their software
so yeah
in terms of of doing this for actual
machine manufacturers absolutely and
there are different OEMs that use our
software to create solutions for their
hard way which they ship with the
software great question on how do you
how do you work with real time data and
this probably the last question that we
have time for if there are any more just
please send them on and we'll get back
to you but you mentioned that your
platform works on real time data how do
you capture these data points in real
time like in the mining example they
might be network issues or data points
what I didn't explain and apologies for
that again there's a separate video on
how there's in more detail and around
the data streams is that that data
stream could actually be deployed oh
sorry distributed across multiple
environments it could be a hybrid that
you might do some of the initial data
acquisition on-premise or at the edge
depending on you know what what term you
use for that and that you might do some
of the pre-processing there it may white
if there's network of connectivity
issues and send some of the data which
you then analyze for that this could
also be deployed on-premise so it
doesn't it's not necessarily cloud by
solution it is it could be deployed
on-premise it could be deployed in the
cloud or it could be deployed as a
hybrid to deal with network connectivity
and that example that I showed where the
partner created the solution around the
blast furnace they actually have
connectivity issues so we had to in the
header history Mike provision for how do
we get data in when we when we actually
don't have network capability and that's
through edge device and doing that part
of it so great question thank you for
that so hopefully this has been been
have been helpful in in sort of giving
you overview on why digital twins are
the most productive remote worker that
you can hire just make sure that you
hire it for for the right reasons and
how you can apply this technology to
have a massive impact and as we move
from the control room to the bedroom
thank you for your time really
appreciate this and we'll see you on one
of our future webinars