3. Creating User Flow Diagrams - UX Design - XMPRO

Learn a simple technique to plan and communicate the flow of your XMPRO Event Intelligence Apps.

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after putting ourselves in the users

shoes we're ready to create user flow

diagrams this first way of sketching out

the flow of your app was created by the

team at Basecamp over 10 years ago the

notation we use looks like this each

block represents an interaction above

the bar is what the user sees and below

the bar is what they do the arrow

indicates that they move to another page

after performing the action you can also

use dotted lines to indicate alternate

actions here's a simple example if

you're not sure where to start a common

pattern in real-time apps is to begin

with a visual overview page and then

drill down into more detail now go ahead

and sketch out your app user flow on a

whiteboard or a blank piece of paper

we highly recommend showing your user

flow diagrams to your end users or even

just to other members of your team it's

a great way to get feedback on your

ideas early and to minimize rework once

you've built the app

Last updated