if you're taking this course to get
better at building apps with the xmpro
app designer
it's important to have a good
understanding of data visualization
most of your interfaces will probably
consist of many different charts
and interface elements that you'll need
to choose and style appropriately
so let's look at when to choose which
type of chart
if you want to measure a change over a
period of time there are four types of
charts that are ideal for the scenario
to show trends or compare across
categories over a period of time
you can choose either a line chart a bar
stacked bar or an area chart
now if you want to compare multiple
distinct categories with each other
you have four different options a bar
a grouped bar chart bubble chart or a
multi-line chart
and if you're looking at comparing how
partial elements add up to a total
you can either use a stacked bar a pie
chart a doughnut chart or a stacked area
and if you're looking to show
correlation between two or more
you can use a scatter plot a bubble
chart or a column and line chart
now if you're looking for more resources
on this topic i highly recommend the
data visualization page on material.io
stick around for the next lesson which
is our final one on chart styling