
22 Jan 2025


Security update: Mitigate a high-severity vulnerability by upgrading all products.

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As part of our ongoing commitment to product security and stability, we've implemented several improvements in this release:

  • Mitigated high-severity CVE-2023-36414 in Subscription Manager by upgrading Azure.Identity.

  • Mitigated high-severity CVE-2024-30105 in all products by upgrading System.Text.Json to v8.04.


The signed-out pages and Subscription Manager are now available in Spanish.


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Standardized the output payload property name and added guardrail to avoid incorrect setup. Replaced the logging endpoint with logging to the Stream Host for centralized monitoring.

The following Agents were repackaged to translate the configuration properties:

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Package Manager

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The ability to translate Agent and Connector properties into all languages supported by XMPro. You can use Azure OpenAI, or edit the JSON file.


The ability to import a JSON file, allowing changes to be made outside of Package Manager, and then imported to package an XMP file.


The ability to add a zip file as a reference, which is used by the Meta Agent when self-packaging.


A new category: "Generative AI", which will be available in Data Stream Designer shortly.


The references layout caters for integrations with many reference files:

  • The reference type is shown in brackets after the file name.

  • The Agent or Plugin file is shown first, with the rest of the files in alphabetical order.

  • Files can be dragged and dropped into the files input.


The reference and settings lists scroll separately from their edit panels, thus the properties will not scroll when navigating through a long list.

App Designer

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The Autodesk Forge Block is deprecated. Please update your Apps by implementing the Metablock as shown in the example provided.


The Azure Copilot and ChatGPT Copilot Block keys are now encrypted. Existing Apps will continue to work until they are edited. Keys entered manually entered will automatically encrypt themselves if the Block is selected, but you will need to save the App. Keys stored in variables will need to be changed to encrypted variables.


Embed Script is a new feature that allows company admins to integrate a JavaScript snippet into the pages of App Designer. This can be used to for a variety of purposes, ranging from collecting user analytics to a chatbot trained on company documentation.


The Metablock value mapping now supports variables, ensuring credentials for 3rd party libraries are not exposed.


Preferred Language is a new User Details expression that returns the regional language tag of the logged in user's preferred language. Use this to adjust text when an App will be used in multiple languages


Enhanced Date & Time Display in Grids. Date and DateTime columns in Data Grid and Tree Grid Blocks now automatically display in your browser's locale format, replacing the previous American date format (M/d/yyyy, h:mm a). You can override this by specifying your preferred format using the new "Date Time Format" property.


App export has a new advanced option and by default files in the uploads folder are excluded. When ticked, you can choose whether to include files added at runtime or exclude all files. This gives you greater control over which files to include, which affects the size of the file export.


New Image Storage Options for Blocks. Image and Image Map Blocks now support storing images in App Files through the new "Image Source" property. This enhancement allows images to be shared across multiple blocks and improves storage and retrieval efficiency. Previously, images could only be embedded within individual blocks.


I added a value mapping to my Metablock with a static key and an expression value. When I changed the key to dynamic, expression, and back to static, at runtime the mapping now shows the expression as text rather than the result of the expression, i.e. Reverse("foo") and not "oof". Metablock expressions work as expected.

Data Stream Designer

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The "Event Buffer" property has been renamed to "Agent Event Queue Capacity" to more accurately represent its function on the Stream Host. Previously, this setting defined the queue limit in kilobytes, potentially leading to inconsistencies in event handling. Now, it specifies the maximum number of events, providing a more consistent approach to managing event queues across agents within a data stream.


I want to see who stopped my data stream, but the timeline view is blank. Sometimes the values in the context drop down are duplicated. A new "Switch to archived Timeline" button is available to access entries generated prior to upgrading to Data Stream v4.4.16+, and the context values are not duplicated.


My data stream's card is green to indicate it is published with no errors. When I open the data stream, I noticed the "Started On" stream metric is zero - so it had actually failed to start on all the Stream Hosts. The data stream's card status and "Starting On" stream metric are accurate.

  • On the landing page, we've refined how the Active, Error, and Draft counts are tabulated.

  • We've fine-tuned how device failure counts in active stream hosts are tracked and updated when stream hosts disconnect.

Subscription Manager

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I added a license to my new company, but the expiry date didn't appear until I added a user to the subscription. The license expiry date is now shown immediately after applying the license.

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