Xmpro Ibpms For Sharepoint

XMPro transforms structured as well as unstructured business processes in SharePoint into Intelligent Business Operations with the XMPro iBPMS. Optimize your financial investment in SharePoint...


XMPro transforms structured as well as unstructured business processes in SharePoint into Intelligent Business Operations with the XMPro iBPMS. Optimize your financial investment in SharePoint... let's get started good morning everybody

welcome to another XM Pro webinar

today we are going to go through XM Pro

and bringing ibpms to SharePoint

um example brings ibos which is an

intelligent business operations Suite

which we see as a convergence of

business Process Management and bi if

you require any more information on us

contact us after this webinar our sales

team or our partners will be more than

happy to provide you with more details

on that

so what do we do we bring the Next

Generation business Process Management

which Gardner calls ibpms to SharePoint

which I'm going to take you through


so what are we going to cover today

we've got three objectives we're going

to go into the first one is intelligent

processes within SharePoint

what do we mean by intelligent processes

follow this up with some examples as


um how to upload a document to a

SharePoint document library and the last

one is using a SharePoint list as a data


so intelligent processes and SharePoint

the benefits of what we bring to the

table of bringing intelligent processes

into SharePoint

we've highlighted the three big ones

that we've found the first one is there

is no coding

you do not need to open Visual Studio or

any coding

platform to deploy these processes into


a SharePoint consultant or a business

analyst can configure these

they can configure the processes they

can configure the web Parts they can

configure the data lists that make up

the lookups that you're actually going

to be using within your processes


and the last one is the same process

information is available within

SharePoint within Outlook within the web

depending on your platform of choice for

your end users so you're not confined to

just your SharePoint environment you've

got the exact same process information

so you define it once

it's available on multiple interfaces

for your users to to work through

we're going to work through an example

of X and prone SharePoint and we're

going to touch on a few items

the first one is the standard web part

the task list

the process form how we render it in

SharePoint what it looks like what

components are available in it and

lastly how to configure

these web Parts within SharePoint

I'm going to leave the PowerPoint there

I'm just going to

bring across the web interface

this is not SharePoint for those of you

that are familiar with SharePoint this

is our web interface what I'm actually

going to do for my web interface

is creating your acquisition

and with this requisition we're actually

going to process it

push it through to the next step and

then we're going to access that perform

within SharePoint itself

so the first step we're going to do in

XM Pros web front-end the Second Step

from that point onwards is going to be

from within SharePoint itself

so we're just going to keep it very


stock requisition within the it category

we just need to procure a new server

rack for

Cloud background infrastructure

let's attach a sample quote

the stock code

a description

the price we're requiring one

and we are going to submit that document

so what we're actually done here


if I switch to the

SharePoint interface

is triggered it from the X and pro


and push that information through into

SharePoint itself

what you're looking at here for those

who use familiar with SharePoint is the

SharePoint 2010 installation

this will be your portal login

from your corporate environment

we've kept it very basic to what you're

looking at here what we've done is if I

open an XM Pro for shape one down the


it will load a basic web part page

and on that webpod page

it's waiting for your screens to catch

up there

and on the webpite page

you will see two web parts

you've got web parts

on the left and you have a web port on

the right


we've got a task list

that we've populated on the left

if I stop here for a minute

and we go back into the XM web interface

if I open up his to do task list and

open up the broadcasting

you'll see we have capture match Tuesday

brief capture promotional brief and

capture a Wacky Wednesday brief as well

if we move over to the SharePoint web

part I'll draw your attention to the top

we have capture a promotion brief and

mad Tuesday brief and a Wacky Wednesday


so what we've actually got there

let's go back there

what we've actually got there is a

single data set of information you're

looking at the exact same process task

list which is available in our web

interface and is available in our

SharePoint interface

if I open up

any one of the tasks themselves you'll

see the exact same task available in

both interfaces as well

so all we've got is it looks like a very

busy screen and I'll walk you through

what we're actually looking at on the

screen here

so to keep it simple we've got two web

Parts on the screen you've got a web pod

Zone on the left and we've got a web pod

Zone on the right

if I move my mouse over the top you'll

see you've got your basic SharePoint

webpod functionality

this is

sharepoint's own functionality with

regards to web pod I can edit these web

parts and move them around if I edit

this Web Bot

you'll see I'm looking at a webpart page

with the various zones and I can drag

the web pods in as I'm looking at them

what you're looking at is one

configuration option we have for web

Parts there are multiple configuration

options depending on your needs and

requirements within an organization

um some organizations are quite happy

with how they're looking at it here you

can configure the amount of columns

you're looking at so if I scroll to the


what you're looking at there is the top

off of that is sharepoints configuration

options for a basic web pod what we've

actually done is at the bottom we've

introduced X and pro specific items to

that webpod as well so we've extended

the web part itself

if I go into the columns

you'll see at the moment I've got due

number and from ticked so I can

configure all of them on I can configure

all of them off depending on my needs

and my requirements

if I expand the list properties I can

allow sorting I can allow paging I can

allow grouping

so whatever your needs and requirements

are for lists within SharePoint process

list task list you can configure the web

Parts you can have multiple web Parts as

well you don't have to just have the two

web Parts we've got on the screen you

can have multiple on the screen each

serving a different purpose

if I cancel it

let's wait for the SharePoint

environment to cancel the um

web pod editing and we come back to the

form that we're looking at

so what we're looking at here is we've

got a list of tasks for a specific user

down the left as soon as he clicks on a

specific task it's going to open up the

task definition we've configured on the


in this instance it's a purchase


we've got an approval name his approval

limit requisition total and we have a

budget goal in the middle indicating his

current budget his actual he's committed

to and is requested which brings through

the the details down the bottom

from the person requesting

and the current user can put comments in

we can view the current process flow

diagram at the top as well

so what we're looking at here is a

budget graph within an approval form

what we've got along the right there are

the various routing

of the various routing options

as is categories for it

you'll see we have a tech approval along

the right

if I picked a category from the previous

step as maintenance I would get a

maintenance approval or if I picked it

for finance I'll get a finance approval

so you have Dynamic routing options

which appear on the right which are

context aware

they're aware of the information that's

captured on the screen

and they adapt themselves accordingly

what we're going to do here


this is our design environment

what we call the does XM designer this

is where we configure the processes once

to deploy them to the multiple platforms

if I double click the first approval

this is the same approval screen that

we've just looked at with the graph in

the middle

the budget graph asking for approval for

specific spend to specific category

if I drag the chart in

and we just go set up some properties

let's get rid of his caption

let's open up the chart

so what we've opened up here is what we

call our chart wizard which allows us to

build our in-flight analytics into


I'm going to leave it as a bar chart

you've got appearance options you can

change its colors

you can change its styling options so

everything doesn't have to be the the X

and pro colors or orange all across the


it can handle multiple series as well

I'm going to call this month

and there's various other options down

the bottom here you've got full control

over how your charts get configured with

regards to where are their point labels

where they're chart titles if we're

going to diagram

because I've picked a bar chart I'd

actually like this chart to be rotated

it's going to make a lot more sense to

me rotated versus horizontal I've got

control over axis I want to give the

charter title as well

so let's call this spin to date

and I can click finish

if I go back to

our SharePoint form

and we refresh that form itself

what you'll see right at the bottom as

it was the last control I've added onto

the form will have a second chart that's

going to appear

pulling information now this chart can

pull its information from multitudes of

sources that can pull it from a sap


it can pull it from an oracle system it

can put it from a flat file system it

can pull it from a modern mainframe

system you can put it from a legacy

mainframe system

so if I scroll down

you'll see I have my current spend to



it's good having the two graphs I'd like

to move this chart up so that it

actually makes a lot more sense above my

budget goal

if I go back into the workspace itself

I'm just going to change the index

for the chart

once again if we refresh that form

you'll see we have spin to date which

now appearing above budget call so very


you can start creating in-flight

analytics and have it push through into

a SharePoint front-end we drag the chart


linked it to an existing data set

configured the various options on it and

surface it for the actual approval user

to have a look at

if I bring us back to the PowerPoint

so what we've just gone through is an

example of X and pro and SharePoint so

we've looked at a standard Web Bot we

saw an example with two web pods one on

the left one on the right the one on the

left being a task list

the one on the right being the actual

form render web pod

so task list is exactly the same task

list as any other X and pro interface

it's the exact same task as you look at

if you log into the web if you log into


the process form we had a look at how

the form is rendered

we had a look at the information that

was being pulled through from that form

we added an extra chart onto the four

linked it to an existing data set which

brought a lot more

information to the user context

information to the user

and then lastly we looked at how to


so how to configure a webpart firstly

exactly the same as you will configure

any other web part in SharePoint it's

got the same SharePoint webpod options

we've just extended them and added a few

extra at the bottom to control how the

lists display their information and how

the form displays this information we

also looked at how to configure our

in-flight Analytics

by creating a basic chart

linking it to an existing data set

and move the chart around on the actual


what we're going to look at next is

intelligence which is not found in


the first one we're going to cover is

what we call Process goals




the third one is next best actions

and finally the last one case files

so we're going to take each of these and

have a look at how is this intelligence

which is not currently in SharePoint

brought to SharePoint with X and Pros



if I stop the PowerPoint there and let's

come back to

the XM Pro screen

once again it's exactly the same screen

we've just looked at

we've got the chart I'm going to leave

the chart on there for the rest of this


we've got the list on the left

standard webparts for both of them

what we're going to look at with regards

to the intelligence we bring to the

table is across the top

so the first one we've got is process


a process goals allows you to visualize

and each work step to help guide your

business decisions

you configure these per process

and what it's doing is providing more


contextual information to the person who

needs to make the approval decisions

so in this example

we're working with the purchase

requisition so we have the current

budget versus actual we have our current

budget and the spend for last year

across the top

if I scroll right we have our actual

spend per department and we can have a

look at it is

quite a bit more than the finance and HR


that gives me more information

to help make my decision

if I close the process goals

if I open up the history

what the history is showing is the

entire order Trail for the process

so every single step that we do is


every step that we capture

goes into a time and date stamp attached

to a user itself

if I scroll down

what you'll see there is we've got two


the first icon indicates to me that it

was a specific task

so task one was to create a new


what the second icon tells me is the

discussion was actually created linked

to that task

this brings us back to

if I just jump to the

PowerPoint once again this brings us

back to social process discussions

social discussions around a process now

this can be

a specific transaction

or this can be globally at process level

I'm not happy with the procurement

process it's taking too long or I'm not

happy with the step in the procurement

process is asking for too much

information I don't have available at

the time

in the current example

we actually have a process

discussion which is attached to a


you can drill all the way down into that


it will bring the information back

specific to that transaction itself

so if I scroll a bit further down what

are the specifications we are looking

for for the server or looking at for the


so very quickly

you can start getting a social

collaboration around a specific

transaction if there is more information

that you need from a specific individual

it also allows you to start working out

the social influences in the process you

may have a process which spans across

your organization

it goes through five levels of approval

but actually it's going through eight

levels of approval two other levels or

three other levels are going through

email a phone call and instant message

or some other mechanism which is not

being captured

if we go to the discuss at the top

what we've got here this is where we

actually capture the discussions

and Link them to a specific task

or link them to a

Global holistic level of a process

so I can pick a procurement purchase

requisition and I can capture a message

I think this process is taking too long

they're too many steps in it

or if it's a customer onboarding process

I think we need to revamp take it from a

structured process to unstructured I

cannot get to the steps in time even

though I know more information about the

user itself

I can discuss it with a particular user

or I can leave it open to everyone

that's got access to that actual

process itself

and lastly

next best

what next best


is it has a look at predictive as well

as history

and works out what is the next step

you should take

it's not going to force you to take the

step it's just offering up the options

for you to take the step

so we've got process goals

which are giving you more information

with regards to your kpis

so how are you tracking budget versus


how are you tracking per Department

next best action is saying

for this given


we've had 145 approvals we've had 38

technical approvals and we've had 17

declines it's not going to force you to

approve it it's not going to force you

to do a technical approval what it's

going to do is provide you more

information so that you can better make

a decision on where this task is

actually going to be going

so if we close that again

if I bring this back to to SharePoint

again and let's take it from the top

so intelligence not found in SharePoint

process goals kpis you define at a

process level

which provide context information to the


second social process discussions

discussions around a specific


or discussions around a specific process

process improvement process enhancement

next best action


is the predictive nature of this process

where is it going if I pick a specific


once again the system's not forcing you

to take that path it's offering up an

option for you to have a look at to

better make your decision

and lastly Case Files which I'll go back

to and illustrate now so what the four

of those

are trying to help is the person who

needs to make a decision to give him

more information

more contextual information

so that he can better make the decision

that he needs to

if we go back to this example

if this process didn't have a budget

goal graphene or did not have a spend to

date graph in here

the person who's doing approval would

have his limit his requisition total and

a comment typically what would happen is

you would work out do I have a budget

for this

have I exceeded my budget go and I Work

It Out open up Excel have a look at your

graphs in Excel what we've done is we've

taken all of that and made that part of

the actual process so we've got the

in-flight Analytics

once again you can hook that up to any

data source if it's a sap backend you

can hook it up to sap if you're looking

at an oracle if you're looking at a SQL

if you're looking at a flat file

whatever your data source is can be

sucked in and actually rendered as a

specific in-flight Analytics

within the process itself

we touched on process goals across the


once again your kpis Define at process


we had a look at the history

history using the


as well as the discussion both forming

part of the order Trail

so you can For the First Time Track

a transaction from end to end as well as

the social interactions that happened

within that process you can put your

analytics on top of that as well and

start working out who are the social

influences within your organization

why is a purchase requisition always

going to person X for approval or for a

comment or for a recommendation should

you not be made part of the process

then knowledge transfer which needs to


your business process needs to evolve to

incorporate the social discussion

aspects of that and then the last one we

touched on was the next best action


the predictive analytical nature where

should this go

based on the past history of this actual

process itself

and then the last one is Case Files


what case files does here is any

document which has been attached as part

of the process it puts it into a central

location as part of the process for you

to actually View

this was the process I submitted

previously we had the quote what the

icon on the right there tells us is to

what system was this uploaded it was

uploaded into SharePoint it can be

uploaded into whatever document

repository you have it does not have to

be SharePoint in this instance it is

SharePoint we can upload documents into

a flat file system and Link it into part

of the process as well


so intelligence not found in SharePoint

the second area we wanted to touch on

was how to upload a document into


first of all the benefits of doing that

from within a process environment is you

can apply your version management you

can apply your meter data to the


so if you have specific documentation

which needs to be uploaded if you've got

a policy documentation or a contract

which has specific meter data attached

to a contract you'd want to push that

through into SharePoint as well

SharePoint handles the

indexing of that which means the

searching and bringing up after that


is very quick

all process related documents get

properly stored in index

so once again you're using the power of

SharePoint to properly index and store

and allow you to pull that information

out from within SharePoint

if I flick back to the actual SharePoint

now when we started this process we

started it from the Action Pro

front end we captured our acquisition we

attached a quote

where that code got uploaded to

whereas if I go to the root of the

SharePoint site

if you have a look down the left we have


I created a file uploads Library kept it



and we have a quote which was attached

in here

um you can upload documentation into the

system simply

so you can have one folder where all

your documents get uploaded into

SharePoint or you can have multiple

folders within a specific location

so if you are looking at policies

and your policies are related to a

client you could have a client folder

upload your various policy documents

into those specific folders

and shipwin handles the document

retrieval and indexing of those

documents themselves

if I go back to the home page

so once again the benefits of uploading

a document into SharePoint version

management very important you can have

multiple versions of a document

it will also store the changes on those

documents as well so you can see who

checked something out who made a change

and revert the change back to a previous

version if there was something wrong

with the the new version of the document


very important for indexing retrieval

purposes and then once again all your

process related documents get properly

stored index for easy retrieval

and lastly to use a SharePoint list as a

data source

you would want to use a SharePoint list

as a lookup

or a drop down field

the reasons for doing this is a business


can manage and create these data sets

that are used as lookup

you can reuse the master data across

your organization so if you already have

lists that are configured within


you can use these within a process

it's easier to set up and manage these

lists from SharePoint

I will show us an example

if we go back into SharePoint itself

you'll see I have a lists Library down

the left if I click lookup

you'll see we have

the list is term lookup

and within it we have maintenance RT

cleaning finance and I've just linked it

to a procurement type of General

for those of you who saw the


step that I did within the XM workspace

those should look familiar

if I open up

a purchase requisition you'll see we

have a category

that SharePoint list we're looking at is

driving the contents of that drop down

if I go in and we add a new item

let's call this spares

and I'm going to link it to General and

we're going to save so now I've got

maintenance RT

cleaning finance and Spares

if I go back to

the X and pro screen

we have spares down the bottom

if I do the same from within SharePoint

so once again I'm just going to the

portal page within SharePoint I've got

an open X and pro for SharePoint down

the bottom

the two web parts

right across the top I have a process


if I scroll down I can create a new

purchase requisition

if I have a look at the category we have

Maintenance Cleaning it spares and

finance come through there as well so

one definition for this process surfaced

in multiple interfaces

if I go back into SharePoint and I

actually delete



so I'm going to delete that list

I'm going to go back up to the main


once again process list

scroll down to the actual requisition


Maintenance Cleaning RT and finance

so very quickly I can configure and

manage my data lists within SharePoint

which is easy and simple for a business

user to do

if you already have

lists created

you can reuse those lists as well

it's easier to set up once again you can

also apply security to these lists from

within SharePoint itself

so if I'm querying

let's just go back to the top

and we go back to our list

I have a specific procurement type that

I was linking this to you can set up

various access and securities and

SharePoint so that specific individuals

do not have access to specific

procurement types or requisition types

I've got a very simple example here you

may have your cost centers stored and

maintained within SharePoint if user is

not allowed a specific cost center you

would set that security up in SharePoint

and we would enforce that security

within XM Pro as well so that

information is not

surface where access is not

given for it

so using SharePoint list as a data

source why it's a lot easier to manage

and create data sets from a business

user's perspective in SharePoint and

have that surfaced in an X and pro form

as a lookup or a drop down field

you're going to reuse your existing data

sets so there's no need to go into SQL

create a table

copy that information into it and then

have the whole management and

maintenance on that as well

there's the list within SharePoint are

version so you can have a look at who

deletes what versus who added what so

there is auditability on the list in

there which is built in as part of the

SharePoint list itself

so just to wrap up what we've gone


I'm going to start at the back and work

my way forward

so using a SharePoint list as a data


so we link that into an actual process

we used it as a drop down and we used it

as a category filter for a procurement


uploading a document into a SharePoint

document Library


you can keep it simple and put it into a


SharePoint document library or you can

be very specific and upload it into

specific designated SharePoint libraries

hand in hand with this you've got your

SharePoint versioning of documents

you've got your metadata which goes with


and you've got the proper indexing and


through the SharePoint search

capabilities for this document

the document is linked in the case File


so you can have a look at that from a

process perspective versus having to go

into the SharePoint document Library

find the document and pull that

information out there as well

and then where we started intelligent

processes within SharePoint

XM Pro brings

ibpms to SharePoint

within that we had a look at standard

web parts

we had a very simple

SharePoint webpod page we had tasks and

lists on the left and we had the form on

the right

the task list the same task list is

available in all the X and pro

interfaces so you deploy it once

see it in multiple interfaces

we had a look at it in the web interface

and then we switched over to the

SharePoint interface

the process form how does the form

render in SharePoint

how does this form render Within

a standard X and pro web front-end as

well and it's the exact same form

rendering in Outlook if that's your

chosen interface to your end users

then we had a look at how to configure

firstly web parts

the wherepots

exactly the same as you would configure

any SharePoint web pod

you can edit the web parts you've got

your SharePoint functionality we've

extended that with X and pro specific

information around lists columns where's

it getting its information colors that

kind of information on a webpod

then what we had to look as

a look at is

what intelligence

which is not found in SharePoint

the first one we looked at was a process


a kpi defined at a process level

which provides more information to the

user who needs to make a decision the

second one we looked at was a social

process discussion

once again at transaction level

and secondly at a process level process

Improvement level the ability to start


from within the process itself

as well as the audit history surfacing


task process

discussion as well as responses to the

discussion as well so it's all part of

the ordered history so for the first

time we can

add and Link

social process discussions to a process

transaction and actually have an audit

trail that represents that

the third one was an Express action

Predictive Analytics

looking at the history of that actual

process where's the history of that

going and predicting where the next

logical step for the routing would be

once again it's not going to make the

decision for you it's just providing you

more context information so that you can

better make the decisions you need to

make with that process and the last one

is the Case Files themselves

we've uploaded a document to SharePoint

we've uploaded a second document and a

third step and a fourth step if you wish

to view these documents without the case

File feature you would need to go into


find the specific document library and

pull that information out so what we did

with the case File is we've given you

the the functionality from within the

process itself to click the case File

open up and that will return your list

of all documents which have been

uploaded irrespective of their document

repository whether it's SharePoint

whether it's a file system whether it's

a another document management system at

the back it's all in one central place

you can access it from within the


and make your decisions from me

thank you for attending today

if there are any questions or any

feedback please send them through

I will send replies as soon as we get


and thank you have a great day

Last updated