hello and welcome to another training
video from Exim Pro today we'll be
looking at how to use page layers page
layers is another sometimes simpler way
to modify elements on your page the page
layers can be found to the right of the
tabs on your command bar the usual way
of modifying the elements on the page is
to hover over the element you want to
change and then clicking on it or
dragging it around this stops working so
well when you have elements on top of
other elements and you can no longer
find a way to click on them properly for
example if I want to make the vertical
banner move over to the right if I try
to move it was dragging it will leave
elements I couldn't see behind this is
what the page layers is for in the page
layers you can see the hierarchy of
every element on the page you can expand
and collapse different sections to see
into elements on the hierarchy this will
not change the page in any way the
number on the right shows the number of
children elements inside of this element
for example this box has three elements
inside of it one two three you can click
on a specific element and it will select
the element within the page you can drag
an element around by clicking and
dragging the handle on the right and it
will rearrange itself in the page this
is how I would get this banner over to
the right I would drag over the Box
element and drag it to the other side
you can rename each element this will
not affect the runtime view of the page
but it will change the text if it
appears when you offer over an element
and finally you can press the I on the
left to hide and show elements be
careful as this will hide the elements
on the runtime view as well this is
how to use the page layers