Who is XMPro for-
In this video, Pieter van Schalkwyk (CEO of XMPro) explains who XMPro has been designed for and who will benefit from it the most. He focuses on organizational size, individual roles, how it affects CIO's and more.
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pick some fruit flies across the broad
range of roles and organizations but we
find that those who are really
responsible for the operational outcomes
operations manager service delivery
managers project managers people that
the operational role are the biggest
beneficiaries of this day they the ones
dealing with the unpredictability or the
uncertainty and they still have to make
sure that the operations in GP outcome
so they gave the eyes for business and
they need to make sure that we make as
many widgets create as many people and
there's many more wages as we need to as
we need to process and I work in this
unstructured war for them what keeps
them awake at night is this is really
how do I control the handler manager and
how do I manage the productivity from
operations for you and now that your
productivity smudges deficiency or our
fast videos but are we doing it right
the effectiveness so their productivity
measures of efficiency and effectiveness
and Israeli what it's improved ability
to make sure that we get control of
those unpredictable processes and once
we have control we can make sure that we
do the movie about that suits see how
service delivery manages and
managers and that's the key business
issues that we see see how those are the
ones that need to put in a beam
technology so it's not good operations
going to do all of it and you don't have
been a beam technology so the rather the
CIO and we see it is that they should
identify one of one of the best
solutions are they to solve that
specific business challenge and in the
season the business challenge is
handling unpredictability series is that
a really great job of putting it all the
line of business applications we it does
the back office where does all the
transactional stuff but the CRN's the
geography is the banking back office
systems all of those are the NCI is a
very really good gross of that I've done
a great job that the next body to enable
as not in workers and those people make
decisions with the right decision
support tools and also whether I crisis
management tools to get operations get
the maximum element in our experience
the bigger they are the more problems
they have the more uncertainty you have
the more unpredictability you have 10
people in your organization you probably
have a lot more control when you have
10,000 people in the organization a real
benefit reason these processes are not
hard with you in person organization all
right I think darling
the complexity lies with all the
variations of combinations the way that
you on board someone that why does she
do operations fundamentally doesn't
really differ and a high level between
you give you the fans actual details
that the complexity gets introduced as
soon as you have a broad number of
improvements so I travel experience
claims in their small business follows
exacting rappers what I've done in a
really large organizations is just so
many variations and exceptions in a
large organization okay you need to like
X and practicing for the certified
organizations the larger they are the
more the more challenges that have
around unpredictability and water
Last updated
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