welcome to another training video from
XM Pro today we will be looking at how
to manage categories if you look at the
first landing screen on the data stream
designer you can see the title of the
page says categories so you are looking
at some categories down here like
equipment maintenance and asset
performance monitoring these categories
are shared between all the products like
app designer and data stream designer a
category allows you to group your use
cases or applications into logical areas
organizations have the flexibility to
create categories based on their
specific requirements for any logical
grouping they may want if you click on a
category you will see all the use cases
that belong to that category you have
the same layout an app designer where
you will see applications which belong
to the category to manage categories
click on the categories button in the
side menu this will give you a list of
all the categories in your environment
you can add a new category by clicking
on the plus button adding its name
description and giving it an icon when
you save this it will be added to the
list you can also click on a category in
this list to modify it you can modify
its name description and icon you can
also delete a category here your
applications and use cases that are in
the category when you deleted will be
moved to the default category which in
this case is my sandbox you will not be
able to delete my sandbox as this is the
default category and is always supposed
to be there the last thing you can do
here is reorder the categories into a
certain order for the main page to do
this you select a category and then
press up press the up or down arrows
when you save this this order will be
brought into the main page
as you can see this is not an
alphabetical order but in the order of
the categories that we have defined this
has been how to manage categories