ChatGPT Copilot


The ChatGPT Copilot block utilizes the ChatGPT OpenAI service to provide advanced AI chat functionality in your Application.

ChatGPT Copilot Properties


Common Properties

The visibility property is common to most Blocks;

See the Common Properties article for more details on common appearance properties.

Prompt Input Height (px)

The height in pixels of the prompt display within the overall block size. Adjust this value to best suit your design: higher for a portrait block and lower for a landscape block - or desktop vs mobile.

Response Welcome Message

The initial text displayed in the response area.

Disclaimer Message

The disclaimer message displayed below the prompt input.


Use Variables

Tick to select a static variable for the ChatGPT OpenAI Key, or manually enter the value.

ChatGPT OpenAI Key

The key required to authorize interaction with the ChatGPT OpenAI service.

You can obtain your API key by accessing the "API keys" section within the OpenAI API platform.

ChatGPT Models

The desired model version (e.g., gpt-4, dall-e, gpt-3-turbo).

System Prompt

Influence the personality of the AI’s response.

Last updated