Data Distribution Service: Using DDS in Your IoT Applications
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XMPro’s integration library includes pre-built connectors for a variety of popular IoT connectivity standards like MQTT, OPC UA and DDS. In this video, we’ll demonstrate how you can use DDS in IoT applications where you need extreme reliability, scalability and low-latency connectivity.
We’ll use the XMPro IoT Process Designer and RTI DDS Simulator to show how you can identify exceptions in your DDS data in real-time and then automatically initiate actions. To learn more about XMPro, visit
The Data Distribution Service (DDS™) is a middleware protocol and API standard for data-centric connectivity from the Object Management Group® (OMG®). For more details on DDS visit
good and welcome today we're going to go
through a stream that's being configured
to consume data through DDS now what is
DDS it's the object management group or
oMG their data distribution service or
DDS standard we've logged in as a
particularly user interaction priority
and the first thing we get to is the use
case groups these are categories that
you can configure and set up that allow
you to group together your various use
cases we're going to drill into the
downstream so we just click into that
that'll take us to the various use cases
which have been associated to this
particular category we can click into
one and that'll take us into the actual
use case itself what we're looking at
here is a stream designer it's a
graphical interface that allows me to
drag drop and configure all the various
elements that I need for this particular
stream in this example we're consuming
data coming off of RTI's DDS we're
collecting the edge outliers that we're
looking for we're gonna filter those out
we're then going to do two things based
on what matches our particular filter
the first thing we're gonna do is we're
gonna send an SMS notification the
second thing we're gonna do is we're
going to push it through to a predictive
model we then going to gainful to those
results and anything that matches we're
going to start a maintenance or a work
order Spears BPM process so this is for
rotating equipment predictive
maintenance as a particularly use case
using the data that is going to be
pushed through the DDS the first thing
we've got is on the left you'll see your
various toolbox with those items the
first one is a listener where is our
information coming from so if I expand
that you can see there's a multitude of
different options that are available one
we're focusing on today would be the RTI
DDS subscriber this allows us to read
topic data from the RTI DDS server and
consume that information coming in from
there as well
the second thing that we've got is a
transformation so what type of
high-level transformation do we want to
do on this data and information that is
coming through the DD
the first one is we're looking for
outliers the second one is a filter
third one is a broadcast and again
another filter those are all types of
transformations that we've dragged on
and configured from a function
perspective just to highlight what we
have in here whether you want to bring
on some R scripts some FFT algorithms or
RCA in this example we don't have any
functions that we're currently using but
they are still available in the library
if you want to use them and then lastly
action agent what type of action do you
want to take with this information that
is actually matching the data as its
flown through DDS the first action that
we wanted to touch on was we wanted to
push information to an SMS we want to
notify soul immediately we also wanted
to put something on a exome Pro VPN
process form you could also push
information back as a publisher to the
DDS server if that is something that you
want to do from a use case perspective
if I close the tool box here so we've
got this running it is currently
published and we're consuming data
coming off of our TR now to that end
what I'm going to do is I'm going to be
using the RTI shapes demo just to
illustrate information and data flowing
through and the various options that you
have when you're actually but to
configure this and how do you consume
the data for that if I come back to the
stream there's a live view option so
we're going to click that on the right
what the live view does is it shows me
data that is flowing currently through
those particular points I'm interested
in the edge art layer so that's
information that's coming directly off
of the DDS server and I'm also
information looking for information that
comes out in the filter as well so those
are the outliers I'm actually looking
for so if I go back to the the shapes
demo everything that we've configured is
around the square so I'm gonna publish a
square I'm just going to keep it blue
and we're just gonna let that what
you'll see in the background is as soon
as I've published the square we're
automatically picking up the data coming
through the the DDS it is sending us the
particular edge
and in this instance is only looking for
blue as a particular colors if I go into
the square again and I say I'm looking
for another color again we'll have two
sets of information and if I scroll down
here and we go to the end you'll see the
two colors start coming through here as
well so if I go back in there the
squares are what we're actually looking
for so how is this actually configured
if I move out of that not close the live
view if you double click any of the
components on your what it'll do is will
open up this configuration pane that'll
allow you to configure this particular
stream object in this instance we're
configuring the RTI DDS subscriber we've
got a particular polling interval we've
got a particular domain that we're
looking for and if I click the drop-down
we're looking for the various items now
I have two squares published so it's
going to give both of those as
particular topics for me if I go back to
the RTI it's got and delete everything I
want one square which is gonna be blue
and I want one triangle and it's make it
orange so I've got two very different
shapes which are generating data for me
through the show to demo if I come back
and I just close that and I go back into
it again so again we're opening up the
configuration for the RTI stream object
if I go down to the topic you'll see I
have access to square and triangle for
the topics coming in here as well so
this is a live look up on the actual DDS
server as those topics are available you
can actually select them and make use of
them here as soon as you select them
you'll see topic properties down on the
bottom here so this is again made
available through the DDS integration
and says for that particular topic these
are the properties that are available I
can select all of them or I can delete a
few that I'm not interested in actually
using if I found that a particular topic
doesn't exist so I'm looking for circle
as an example I can actually create the
topic from within the configuration
window here as well
then I would need you to specify the
properties and that'll actually publish
that particular topic to the DDS server
and it'll also start listening on that
particular error for me as well so this
is how we can configure the various
items for the DDS that we're looking for
so what I'm going to take you through
now is what do we actually configure
here with this information as we made
available so let's go back to the live
view that'll bring us the blue coming
through so what we've configured is when
the Blue Square is bouncing around the
screen and generating the data for us
that's what we're seeing down the bottom
here come up with us what we're
interested is in when that actually
changes to yellow so I'm gonna delete
that and I'm only interested when the
square is actually coming in as yellow
as soon as the square comes in as yellow
let's see across the top there that is
the filter item that I'm looking for so
that's the one anomaly in this set of
information as soon as is made available
I won't trigger an SMS and I want to
trigger off for a particular work order
you'll still see down the bottom here
we're still consuming the data as it's
been made available but I'm interested
in when a change to yellow and as soon
as that happened I want to send out an
SMS and I want to start a particular
work order coming down the bottom here
again if we double click into any of
these you can get access to the
configuration which is how we are able
to connect to this particular DDI server
it also allows us to connect to a
particular topic and consume the
particular properties off of that so
first item from a subscriber perspective
or considering data from the RTR DDS
server we're looking for some particular
outliers in this instance when the
square was not blue but it was actually
yellow we're filtering that out we're
gonna do two things one which is to send
an SMS the second is to send that to a
predictive model filter out the results
from a predictive model and then we'll
create a particular work order inside
excellent performer bpm perspectives