Request and Apply a License

Please note that this section is intended for Administrative users. No other type of user is allowed to manage a Company's Subscriptions.

Request a License

Company Administrators can request a License when updating a Subscription for a Company. To request a new License, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Subscriptions page from the left-hand menu.

  2. Click on a Product.

  3. Click on ‘Update License’.

  4. Click on Request a new License.

  5. Enter the number of days for the License.

  6. Click on Submit.

Your License re will be sent to XMPro Support. An XMPro team member will get back to you shortly via email to progress the request further.

Apply a License

If a Company Administrator already has a License, they can apply it to the Product. To apply a License, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Subscriptions page from the left-hand menu.

  2. Click on a Product.

  3. Click on ‘Update License’.

  4. Select the License file.

  5. Click on Save.

Last updated