Interactive 3D Models For Digital Twins - XMPRO Event Intelligence Platform

Enhance your remote condition monitoring and simulation applications with highly realistic 3D visualizations built on the Unity game engine. Whether you’re building a digital twin for a specific asset type or an entire plant, you can now virtually navigate and interact with its 3D model in real-time.

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embed interactive 3d models in your

digital twin applications with XM pro

enhance your remote condition monitoring

and simulation applications with highly

realistic 3d visualizations both on the

Unity game engine X and Pro allows you

to embed 3d models in your real time

apps you can simply drag and drop the

unity model block onto the app designer

canvas configure where the data comes

from and then see your 3d visualization

come to life when building simulation

digital twins in X and Pro you can also

input data to simulate specific

conditions and then get instant feedback

from the changes to your 3d model we've

made it easier than ever to update 3d

models in real time without custom

coding X and pros data stream designer

comes with a library of pre-built

connectors which also includes a unity

action agent this agent enables you to

continuously send a real-time data to a

3d unity model it can update the model

when changes occur in the data like

making a pump appear red when it's

temperature goes above a certain

threshold so whether you're building a

digital twin for a specific asset type

or an entire plant you can now virtually

navigate and interact with its 3d model

in real time

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