How To Configure The SQL Server Listener - XMPRO Data Stream Designer

Learn how to configure the SQL Server Listener in the XMPRO Data Stream Designer.

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when we are going to do here is look at

how to set up and configure the Seco

serval as an agent the function of this

agent is to listen to a specific

sequence of a database type of linear

records I already have an event printer

set up and configured which will help us

see what the output looks like go to the

toolbox and search for sequel server you

will find it on the listeners click on

the agent and drag it to the canvas

connect the output endpoint of the

secret agent to the input end point of

the event printer agent the third evil

name has been given to the Seco agent to

rename this agent click on the white

space and start typing


click something else on the phone and

look safe double-click on your secret


this is where you'll be configuring your

agent first machine using the great


if not select another collection from

the drop-down next you need to set your

polling interval which is the interval

which new records are access or checked

for then you need to specify your sequel

server instance name click somewhere

else on the phone.i - sequel server unit

user name

if you'd like to use sickle serve

indication select the check box and add

your password


then from the drop-down select airbase

you would like to connect to

and the table you'd like to listen to

if you'd like any certain columns to be

returned click on the columns to return

tag box and select the columns from the

list lastly select your timestamp column

click apply and click Save to run the

stream click on publish to view the life

that I click on live you

and selectively in printer and click



Last updated