How To Install The XMPRO App Designer
Learn how to install the XMPRO App Designer. Download the installer from Download Installation profile as per the instructions at SQL Server 2014+
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in this video we will be looking at app
designer installation
in order to install that designer there
are some prerequisites
first of all you must download the
installer from this website
and then you need to have the
installation profile from your
subscription manager
instructions on how to download an
installation profile can be found in
this link
next we will need to have sql server
for a later version available
if you're installing onto an is that is
that you are running the installer
from the machine which has iis on it
and that's where you want to deploy and
of course you need is
7.0 or later you will need to have
dotnet core 3.1 module installed on the
and also https and web circuits enabled
if you want to install to a folder um
which is that you want to create some
sort of a deployment package and we'll
then deploy it onto maybe
cloud or some other server which is not
directly accessible by the installer
and all you need is the dns name now
once you have downloaded the installer
you can double click on the exe
and this will now set your machine up
for the installation
once it completes you should go to the
start menu
and search for app designer
and run it as administrator
click on next button and then choose to
choose the components you want to
install in this case i will choose both
database and the web application
you can then choose if you want to
install to an is or a folder
i'll show you both options let's choose
iis first
now we need to provide the database
server details
first of all i will provide the sql
which in this case for me in app is in
next we should provide some
authentication details
for our user that we will be using to
install but also
configure our application
next you must choose the database that
you want to install on
you can choose to create a new database
however if you are installing on azure
cloud platform then it's best to have
the database already created
even if it's just blank
i'll choose an existing database that i
created and then click next
on this screen i'm supposed to provide
the is server details
i can choose the name for my application
which security account it should use and
then the dns name under which this site
is going to be installed
if you want to install as a subdirectory
you can provide the version directory
name over here
click next to continue and you will then
be asked for
the installation profile now let's
backtrack a bit
and look at the other option which is
now on this screen you will notice since
we chose to install to a folder it is
asking me
where where we should install i can give
it a path which must be an empty
next i need to provide the dns name
that's the name under which it is going
to be running
on the server you can then choose the
application name
this is required um for the subscription
manager to uniquely identify this
installation that you're about to do
you can also add the virtual directory
um if you want to and then
the url it will set up will be the dns
name slash
this name
clicking on next will bring us back to
the same screen we were on before
where we are supposed to provide the
installation profile
i'll upload the installation profile and
i can choose to create the subscription
by default
to the account that i'm going to use to
install app designer
if you don't want that to happen you can
leave this unchecked
clicking on next
will make the installer ask for the
credentials it should install
under these credentials must be of
your super admin which is an admin user
on excel pro company
on your subscription energy once you
have provided that
you're ready to install click next for
the installation to proceed
once the installation completes you can
finish the installer
and now your database should have been
set up on the sql server you provided
and the folder path that you used to
would now have all the all the required
if we had installed on iis our ios would
already been set up and we would be
ready to browse to it now
however since feature is installed to
we can now zip these files and deploy
them onto the server
if you're using a key vault or a key
store to store config settings on
cloud you can modify the app settings
form here as per the documentation
found on the dock side to replace
the config with your keystroke
it is a good idea to keep this path and
folder on your machine
so that next time you can upgrade the
same installation
when the new version comes around
so that is how you install app designer
Last updated
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