How To Use Chart Panes and Axes - XMPRO App Designer
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In this video, you’ll learn how to configure chart panes and axes in the XMPRO App Designer.
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hi and welcome to another training video
from xm pro
this is an advanced video on how to use
the chart
specifically around panes and axes
if you haven't already gone through the
video on how to use the chart i would
recommend going through that first as
this one makes sense without it
so i have here a chart with a couple of
the problem with this chart is that
one of the series has values that are in
the thousands and the other has a series
its values are in the ones so you can't
really see enough detail
how we're going to fix this is we're
going to add another axis
to add an axis go to the axis section
and then press
plus on the y-axis we can add
wattage and we can leave all of these
we'll get back to these later
then we can go into the series in under
and change the y-axis
from default to wattage
and now we can see how this looks
we have two axes on the left one is the
wattage and one
is the default axis however
it's difficult to tell which is which
so what we can do with that
is change position of the wattage axis
to right
and that will move the wattage axis onto
the right side
so now we have an axis on the left and
axis on the right
but we're still not quite sure which is
so for these axes we can we can give
them a title
and then we can see which axis is which
so we have motor vibration on the left
and wattage on the right some other
options that can come in useful
are line color which changes the
color of the axis line if i change this
to red
then we'll be able to see it when i
launch display grid
grid lines if i uncheck this then the
horizontal gridlines will disappear
gridline color again i'll change this to
pink just so we can see what it looks
then we have label format so this is for
the numbers
and you can add either
a preset so thousands for instance
although this is the default so i'm
going to change it to
percent or you can add
your own format
using the format here i won't go into
detail in this bit
in this video you can change the label
so i'm going to change this to green you
can change the range start and end
so for this i'll say 0 for the range
start and 10
for the range end and you can change the
tick interval so this is the
lines between each so i'm going to
change this to
now we can save and launch and we'll see
the settings here so
the axis color was red the labels were
percentage is applying now so 1 becomes
2 becomes 200 etc
and the grid lines are pink of course
you wouldn't do this to an actual grid
you would probably do something much
more beautiful
let's say we wanted to add another pane
so i'm going to add another two series
in here
and i want to put them on a different
pane to add another pane
we can go in appearance and then scroll
down to panes
and then click plus to add another one
so i've added another pane let's go into
the new series that i've added and
change the pane to those so we have
pain second pain and then
again for the pressure pain second pane
let's save and launch
as you can see there are now two panes
we have the first pane
with the originals so we've got the
and the motor vibration and the two axes
are on this pane
because we only have series on this pane
that use this
wattage axis and on the second pane we
don't have
any series that uses the wattage axis so
it won't be
applied this has been how to use panes
and axes
on the chart