sometimes you may wish to collaborate
with other users to design your apps
this can be accomplished by granting
permissions to those users before we
demonstrate that however it is important
to note that no user can see any app
except for the ones they have created
themselves or those that they have been
granted access to other apps do not
appear on their dashboard or in the
applications played furthermore there
are two broad types of permissions that
can be granted run access which only
grants the ability to launch the
finalized app and design access which
allows launching at any time and also
lets users view and/or edit the design
this video describes design access grant
design access to your app navigate to
the app edit blade and click the manage
access command this will open the manage
access played with the design access tab
already opened the list of users that
have access will be displayed at the
moment only we the own that have access
the owners access cannot be deleted or
edited and no other user can be raised
to owner so you will always have control
over the apps you create to add
permissions for another user click the
add command from here select a user and
a level of permission users with the
read permission will be able to see but
not change the design and properties of
your app it will also be permitted to
export it users with the write
permission will be able to edit almost
everything about the app including the
properties pages publish status and
notes please note that you will not see
other users making changes on your
screen in real time you will only see
their changes when they are saved when
you are done click OK accesses can be
edited as well simply click the name of
the user to edit the search bar can help
narrow down longer lists the level of
permission can be changed or the access
can be revoked completely by deleting it
also any user you have granted access to
may revoke their own access by the same
method if you wish to delete the access
of multiple users click the select
command select users to remove and click
this has been how to share an app for
design collaboration in that designer
thank you for watching