Real Time Is Real How To Use Event Intelligence Tools To Manage Complex Operations In Real Time

In this video, we discuss how you can create a Common Operating Picture from your existing data and systems that will put you in control of your operations in real-time, without kicking off...


In this video, we discuss how you can create a Common Operating Picture from your existing data and systems that will put you in control of your operations in real-time, without kicking off... welcome to this overview presentation on

xmpro's event intelligence tools that

help you manage complex operations in

real time at scale XM Pro enables you to

create a common operating picture that

informs you of what business events are

happening or likely to happen and put

you in control of how you respond to

these events that impact your operations

I'd like to start with an example of an

XM Pro customer who got this right

This Global Mining Company reduced

underground conveyor downtime for a

specific failure mode by more than 70

percent and as a result I gained 184

hours of additional production equating

to about 44 000 product tons for this

particular mine all this happened one

mile underground and XM Pro provides a

common operating picture for 52

conveyors covering more than 50 miles or

80 kilometers of underground tunnels

this common operating picture is a

simple London Tube map star

representation of the underground

conveyor system at the start of the

project the XM Pro recommendation engine

identified many high and medium severity

events that needed to be responded to

before the motor protection would trip

and stop the the conveyor system

five months later the picture changed

drastically there were only a handful of

medium severity events and the

maintenance planners had more than

enough time to address these in advance

the overall time to resolve new events

decreased drastically from 556 hours to

276 hours as reliability Engineers now

spent more time during the initial

investigation phase which has gone up

from 1 hour 46 minutes to 12 hours 42

minutes these Engineers now have the

right data to address the real causes of

downtime at the right time

not only did they manage to address

downtime of the conveyors for specific

root causes but they extended this

common operating picture to underground

borers and in the following six months

they added pumps crushes fans and some

money some management oee kpis to the

operating picture

with the XM Pro digital twin composition

platform that could add capabilities

incrementally as they built out new

event intelligence

that the common operating picture

provides this includes adding computer

vision to detect splice failure on the

conveyors for example

by also combining the conveyors with the

Boris and the Hoist they created an

underground digital twin that provides a

real-time common operating picture of

the crucial and critical subsurface

operations with prescriptive

recommendations that provide a

consistent response to events that are

happening or are likely to happen

the leadership of the company saw the

fact that their own Engineers were able

to compose this operational view

themselves as the real digital

transformation that they were seeking it

provides them with a competitive

advantage that drastically improves


it further enables them to add

additional capabilities to existing use

cases in an incremental way to create

composite or system digital twins

combining the conveyor in the borers as

a basic underground digital twin

provides a common operating picture of

the combined assets that form a key part

of the underground operations

the example common operating picture

delivers greater than 10x return on

investment in the first year and the

time to value for the first use case was

less than 30 days it also enabled the

business to capture expert knowledge as

part of the process and currently it's

processing about 42 million messages a

day which equates to about 340 million

data points so significant scaling from

that perspective

so what problem is XM Pro solving for us

real-time operations is real every day

your business is exposed to more and

more internal and external events that

need to be responded to

in real time and these events can come


the actions of people in your business

the actions of your competitors

customers legislators suppliers

equipment that break down process

failures severe weather events the

operational intelligence that you gather

from all the other business systems that

you have all the other data sources and

web services

and currently we've seen the influx of

information from internet of things with

sensor based or smart device or

machine-borne data as part of this

Village of information that come at you

now how you respond to these events is

really the key

and the value of real-time information

that you receive on when things are

happening or likely to happen and

depreciate over time so when you know a

certain condition exists you have

limited time and depending on what it is

what the event is that time span that

you have to to respond to it very so you

want to be notified when these things


now for us event intelligence is that

ability to still impact the outcome of

the event so it's typically as you see

here the sand is still flowing before it

lands and it settles then it becomes

business intelligence then I can do

reporting on what were my failures what

were the losses what we're trying to do

with the event intelligence and the

problem that X and pro is solving is how

do we how do we impact the outcome of an

event by having the ability to intervene

now this sounds


very straightforward but why is this odd

it requires subject matter experts to

understand have the knowledge and

context of the problem that needs to be

solved in real time then you need to be

able to

do the data engineering bring that

real-time data in do the orchestration

before you can create an application of

that in terms of a digital twin or a

application that can that can inform you

of the event that's happening and most

organizations have a challenge just

putting these three foundational things

together when we talk to operations

managers what we hear they say is they

just don't want to be blindsided by

business events or operational events

and this is not just in a certain area

but it's actually it spans across all

the areas in terms of the actual

production manufacturing processes the

asset health and performance

the environmental safety risk people in

HR processes and more and more Supply

chains all these events and the

combination of events causes a real

headache now this is where a common

operating picture provides information

at all levels of the organization to be

able to address that what we also hear

is that they want to reduce the Reliance

on third parties to create this

competitive Advantage because their

subject matter experts in the business

have a deep understanding of how it

works and most of the technologists

reliability Engineers automation


geophysicists people like that the the

technical business technologists have

more and more technical skills they are


so what you want to do with them is

given the ability to take some templates

and blueprints and expand on those to

create this so for that you want you

really want a no code application

composition kind of approach for those

subject matter experts they don't have

to code but they understand exactly what

they want to create and do that in a

composable fashion

the last thing we hear they say is that

they want to digitize and automate event

response so the

real objective is to be able to bring

all of the data from all these different

systems that you already have in the

business without ripping and replacing

them and automating that so that there's

Real Time Event detection and response

and this needs to be scaled out in a

large complex organization so for that

again you would want no code integration

with the orchestration and automation

capabilities now this is where

composable digital twins enable you to

actually create that event-based common

operating picture at scale

the notion of a common upriving picture

actually comes from emergency and

natural disaster response as well as

from the military we're at a strategic

tactical and operational level everyone

looks at the same data but from a

different perspective so it's all the

same data at the same at the different

levels but different perspectives on how

this is used

and the common operating picture from at

the Strategic level may have a higher

level in just in terms of kpis and

monitoring across a broad range at a

tactical level it's more of a planning

a lens that is applied in operational

level it is what is happening on a in a

very specific area around a specific

asset or production process

and you want that common operating

picture to be agile so that you can

change it as your business strategy or

some of the business conditions change

you need to be able to do that quite

simply and you want to you also want it

to be composable and maintained by your

own smes and bringing the data from all

the systems that you already have to

give you automated prescriptive

recommendations making sure that

different people have the same

actions on the same data set so to

create consistency across the

organization and being able to capture

the knowledge from experts in your

business and your future support that

with AI and machine learning and this

will enable you to close the loop on

actions it will provide a very

consistent way of dealing with certain

events happening in a by providing

prescriptive recommendations and a key

aspect is that you can actually use this

to create a self-validating digital twin

that continuously Monitor and validate

as it sits now how this common operating

picture fits into you in most typical

organizations you already have assets

that have sensors scada plc's all of

that there's hundreds of different

systems in your business already

historians erps all sorts of operational

databases and we're seeing emergence of

AI and machine learning tools and a

whole bunch of other third-party

applications and what you're trying to

do is manage that through people

processes and Technology automation that

you may already have so how you respond

to that when things happen now

the first part as we mentioned in the

event intelligence part is being able to

take the data in from all of these

different systems how do we take the

signals the data all of that into

and take the millions of data points and

reduce it to the the key events that we

are looking for whether production

events asset

health events or ESG and other risk

based events as well so how can we take

all those signals provide context to it

and then use that and the key few events

that we've that we've identified that

event intelligence create that common

operating picture at the Strategic

tactical and operational levels all the

same data nothing upwardly filtered to

make it look better when it gets to the

highest level everyone looks at the same

data but different lenses and this

provides the real operations

intelligence or the common operating

picture that enables people processes

and automation to actually deal with

that event response and the disruption

management that is associated with that

the other big benefit of using a a tool

like X and pro to create a common

operating picture is you can bring

prescriptive or you can create

prescriptive recommendations for at all

levels in a very consistent way you can

also bring in alarms and alerts from

other systems into this common operating

view again to make sure that

recommendations are consistent across

the business

so XM Pro in itself well the the this

enables you to empower your your

smartest people to pull the the value

levers that align with your your

business at all levels it reduced the

risk of being blindsided by key business

events that are happening or likely to

happen and it improves accountability

and close the feedback loop that

provides availability visibility and the

opportunity for learning

example itself is a digital twin

composition platform that accelerates

operational and situational awareness

and we do this in a now code fashion

for those industrial business

technologists to be able to create a

common operating picture composable

digital twins that are more complex and

then real-time event intelligence


and we do this

as a business capability to to help with

safer green and more responsible

industrial operations and doing it

faster so that there's a there are

higher efficiencies and economic return

for everyone in the ecosystem talking

about the ecosystem

in the specifically in large complex

environments there is a ecosystem of

existing applications and the role that

XM Pro fulfills in this is is

orchestrating and providing the

composition from all of these different

systems to create that composable

digital twin that that will give you a

common operating picture so

bringing in or not it's not replacing

and ripping and replacing all any of the

systems that you have but it's more

around how do we integrate and and

orchestrate the information and

capabilities from the different systems

now this application composition

approach is not a new thing and it's

for example this is positioned or this

is from Gartner on creating scalable

um composable applications for the type

of industries that or the type of

applications that we see in large-scale

industry and this consists of an

integrated data fabric at the bottom

coming from multiple data sources but

there's this notion of a composition

platform that handles integration

orchestration ux development and you

have packaged business capabilities that

sit within

this that you can reuse so leak

detection or credit fraud or things like

that these are all package capabilities

that you can reuse and some of them

might be application based some of it

might be process based some of them

might be might be data type package

business capabilities but that enables

you to grade

what is what they refer to as composed

application experiences what we've done

at XM Pro we've taken this approach and

turn that into composable digital twins

so xampro is a composable digital twin

platform and help enables you to do

integration composition orchestration

the development side and also the ux for

a whole bunch of capabilities and in our


the typical data types or physics-based

models analytics iot transactional

systems visual data and master data that

is all combined to be able to create

these type of composed digital twins

that provide a common operating picture

for example on on that long conveyor

predictive maintenance or first pass

yield optimization or intelligent

building energy optimization and we do

that with our data stream designer and

with our application designers the two

main components to be able to compose

these digital twins in a no code way

that are also explainable

and can be deployed at scale the

approach around uh

reusing capabilities is very similar to

what you see with the building bricks

that kids might play with in this

example I can break this apart and for

example build I off-road 4x4 vehicle

reusing many of the parts I might have

to add one or two others and I might be

left with a few ones afterwards but this

ability of composing and reusing Parts

is really how the composable digital

twin enable you to create a common

operating picture at scale

the way that we do that at XM Pro is

really in three steps the first one is

to create those data streams in a visual

drag and drop way and integrate to a

larger library of integration

endpoints that we have and then the next

part is to provide the visualization of

that in real time for the operations

this is where the common operating

picture gets visualized but the probably

one of the more important parts is how

do we make sure that we can action what

comes out of that in a consistent Manner

and that's where the XM prior

recommendation engine comes in

this is a quick overview of exam Pro and

how we deliver a common operating

picture using a composable digital twin

framework to enable you to run your

business in real time making better

decisions faster

Last updated