How To Set Up And Use Charts In Live View Xmpro Data Stream Designer

Learn how to set up and use charts in live view in the XMPRO Data Stream Designer.

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Learn how to set up and use charts in live view in the XMPRO Data Stream Designer.

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Go to welcome to another training video from

Exim Pro today we will be looking at how

to set up and use the chart in the live

view it's a good idea to go through the

video on how to setup and use the live

view first before watching this video I

have setup a use case which fires off an

event every second and creates a value

between 0 and 100 in order to make the

live view a chart click on the edit

button and change the type to chart then

scroll down to the bottom create a new

series and I'm gonna name it value give

it a type give it an argument field

which is reading number for me and a

value field which is value and then save

this is what the chart looks like

so you can see each second the value is

getting placed in the chart there are a

few different options you can change

here display a grid lines which if you

uncheck that will turn off the

horizontal gridlines

display x-axis label and y-axis label if

you turn those off it'll turn off the

labels on the axes you can create

multiple series you can change the type

of the series there's a whole bunch of

types here so for instance if you set it

to a bar chart then it will have bars

for each each value and you can turn off

the label on the series and if you make

more than one

then it will show up there as more than

one here they all have the same value so

they're going to go up and down at the

same rate so this is how you set up and

use the chart in the live view

Last updated